Part 1- Brooklyn's POV

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I was at a club with my boyfriend Logan. Logan , of course was drinking a bottle of beer. I get really frustrated but I don't say anything. He told me he was going to the bathroom , and I respond "Okay." I was sitting in a pink booth. As Logan went to the bathroom,I looked around the room at the people making out or drinking. Then Logan came back, walking past me a couple of steps "get your shit, we're leaving" Logan yelled. As I grabbed my purse, I quietly said "Okay." I got up and Logan was already at the door. I was glad to get out of the club but Logan is angry again , not surprising. I walked out and it was raining. I didn't really care , just meant I was going to get a little wet. Man, if my sister was here she'd be crazy. Even if one drop of water falls on her, she couldn't handle it. It's kinda funny though. Logan pulls up to the curb with his beat up car. He rolls down the car window to get my attention " hey babe hurry up" he yelled. " oh.... sorry" I respond I opened the car door and went in. As I sit down on the beaten up seat, Logan glared at me. I just looked out the window and acting like he wasn't there. The car finally started moving. "You look fucked up" he said still looking at me. I turned and not a word came out of me , I wanted to say something but I didn't. I just sat there , watching the rain fall on the window. I saw he had another bottle of beer and I couldn't take it anymore. "You shouldn't drink and drive" I said, Logan turned with a mean look on his face. " What was that" he said almost yelling. "Nothing" I said quietly "nothing at all". We were almost home , Then he stopped the car. "Listen" he yelled" don't you ever tell me that I can't drink". My eyes started to get watery. Logan slapped me in the face, causing a bruise. The car moved again and I was home. I opened the car door not showing my sad, tearing face. Logan rolled down the window and said he loved me and drove off. I opened the wet door with my left hand on my cheek where Logan had slapped me. I had my hood up so nobody can see, I walked into my sister Bethany's room , which has no Twilight stuff whatsoever, and saw her with her friends , Crap, I forgot she was having a sleepover. A/N: Part 2 is coming out soon!!!!!!! Comment down below with what you liked and what we should do next.

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