Part 2- Bethany's POV

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I was just having a fun time with my friends and my sister walks in with her hood up. I bet her boyfriend had something to do with this. I never really liked Logan, to me he's a jerk my sister could do better , I always tell her to break up with him but she never listens to me. "Did you get hit again by your boyfriend Logan." I asked with my arms crossed. Then my friend Anna joined the conversation, wait...isn't he the guy who killed a man." My sister raised her head up and lowered her hood down" No, Logan hasn't killed a man." I saw a bruise on her face, I got up off my bed and walked closer "has he been abusing you this whole time", I asked her. I already knew the answer I just wanted her to say she does. "Shut up, I'm going to my room" Brooklyn walks to her room. The room was silent. All my friends were looking at me. One of my friends whispers something to the others, it gets me really aggravated because I know they are talking about my sister behind my back. I get a good grip on my friendship bracelet, it's a bracelet that me and my friends had for a long time. It's pink and white and it has a little bow on it, just the same as what my friends have." What's wrong Chloe asked, I let go of my bracelet and looked at them. "Nothing's wrong" I quietly say. "You're sure" Chloe says as she gets off the bed "we can leave if you want us to." I turned to face my friends, I knew it would be best if they'd leave. I nod and looked down as my friends left my room. I heard thunder coming outside. I didn't want to think about the storm. The room was silent, just dead silent. It was time to talk to my sister.

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