Brooklyn's POV -Part 7 Part 2

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As Bethany and I were riding in Bella's truck on the way to Forks Hospital to get my leg checked out, she was gazing out the window deep in thought,I was staring out the window with tears streaming down my face. Brooklyn I heard her ask I looked at her I am sorry for what I said it was wrong and I hope that you will and can eventually forgive me. I thought about what she said "Should I forgive her, I mean she's my sister , she looks at me as if waiting for my answer I then turn away from her and continue staring out the window. She told a complete stranger about the one thing that she promised to never tell anyone, not even our parents know about my abusive relationship with Logan. I saw my sister look over at Bella " how much longer until we reach Forks Hospital"? She asked Bella looked at her truck's GPS and it said that we had over two hours, we have about three hours are you going to be okay with that Bethany, are you going to be okay with that she asked her. I saw her look over at me and I don't even look at her as Bella continued the drive to Forks Hospital to get my leg checked out because if we didn't , who knows what long term damage it would cause. Bethany continued to stare out the window and I was thinking about how everyone in Forks would like us"Bethany isn't the easiest person to get along with when you first meet her and I'm really shy and jumpy because of my relationship with Logan" I thought, I heard my sister sigh"are you okay Bethany, I heard Bella ask, looking at her with concern on her face" at this point I heard the unmistakable sounds of my sister's sobs , I looked at my sister to see that she had tears running down her face, I hated that I was causing her to be upset but she spilled the one secret that she promised to keep. I would forgive her eventually but I just needed time to think about everything she said to me and if it was even worth forgiving her." Oh my gosh Bethany ,what's the matter Bella asked with concern on her face, Bella what if Brooklyn never talks to me again I don't want to lose her because I love her I heard her say. Bella pulls over to the side of the road and looks at Bethany and says "Bethany, I know she'll talk to you again I just know it."

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