Part 3- Brooklyn's POV

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I️ was lying on my bed, my face buried in my pillow when I️ heard a knock on my door. Come in I️ called, the door opened and my sister came into my room. "Sorry about Anna and Chloe." She said, it's fine I️ assured her you really need to forget about today so how about a Twilight movie night? Ok, I️ answered as I️ went over to the old television that was in my room and put the first movie in. The storm outside made the dark walls light up as lightning flashed and thunder crashed. The light from the television made the room light up as well. I saw that my sister had her eyes glued to the screen, intently watching the film "Thought you didn't like Twilight", I teased her. I-I don't know what you're talking about she stuttered while I saw her cheeks go red I looked at the screen to see that it was the scene where Bella sees Jacob for the first time in years after she arrives in Forks. "Taylor Lautner is pretty hot huh" I teased again, "Brooklyn, stop." She complained, going more red in the face. I then looked at the screen again to see that it was my favorite scene, the one where the Cullen's played baseball during a thunderstorm it was Edward's turn to bat and he looked at the screen and smiled his famous crooked smile. I knew that it was probably just my mind playing tricks on me, but I felt like I could connect with him somehow, no stop it Brooklyn he's a fictional character being portrayed by a well known actor , he'll never have feelings for you. I thought. "You ok?" A voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked over to see Bethany staring at me in concern, I'm fine I was just thinking. What were you thinking about she asked me, I didn't want to tell her about Edward and him smiling at me she probably wouldn't believe me so I had to think up an excuse I was..... thinking about how I was going to go out with Logan again soon. You need to break up with him Brooklyn because you always come home with new injuries after he gets angry and takes it out on you. Fine I'll think about it , can we go to sleep now I asked as the final credits were rolling, "yeah we probably should since it is almost midnight" my sister said. Ok , good night Bethany I said good night Brooklyn my sister replied as I let darkness overwhelm me.

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