Bella's POV -Part 8 Part 1

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After three long hours of driving Bethany , Brooklyn and I finally arrived in Forks to get Brooklyn's leg checked out by Dr. Cullen at Forks Hospital. I parked my truck in front of the hospital instead of parking it in the parking garage like a normal visitor would as it was my best friend's family and they knew me well. I walked over to the passenger side of my truck and opened the door for Bethany and Brooklyn, Bethany was letting her sister use her as a crutch since her leg wasn't in the best condition right now. We walked in to the hospital and up to the reception desk where Alice's dad's receptionist Diana was, she looked up from her computer and smiled at me "oh hello Bella, what brings you here are you looking for Alice"? She asks me with a smile I smiled back at her in return, "Not this time Diana I'm actually looking for Dr. Cullen because my sister's leg isn't in the best condition right now." Bethany shot me a glare before saying "we're not her sis- but before she could finish her sentence Brooklyn spoke up and said "Can you tell us where the doctor is she asked looking at Diana with a small smile. Diana smiled in return and said "just a second " before she started typing away on her computer for a few seconds. "He's currently with a patient right now but I can let him know that you are waiting to see him Bella" she said , "thank you Diana" I said. "You're welcome Bella she said before turning back to her computer, Bethany, Brooklyn and I sat down on the couch in the waiting room and Brooklyn propped her injured foot on the ottoman that was in front of the couch. I heard a ping noise come from the reception area, Diana looked at me "Dr. Cullen will be with you in a few minutes Bella" she said looking at me with a smile." Ok thank you Diana I said to her with a smile you're welcome she said returning the smile, I returned to where Brooklyn and Bethany were. "Diana said that Carlisle will be with us in a minute I said to them with a smile, Carlisle? Bethany asked confused Alice's father I reassured her he works here as a doctor and once we get everything sorted out I'll explain more to how we are related Bethany. She nodded and got comfortable on the couch as we waited for Carlisle.

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