Bethany's POV-Part 6 Part 1

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"Come on Bethany", Bella called as I was going over to help Brooklyn stand since she probably had a broken leg, "Coming I yelled back from where Brooklyn was lying on the ground. I wrapped her arms around my shoulder to keep her upright and to support her weight, Brooklyn and I made our way over to where Bella was parked by a hill. Her truck was red like in the first movie, "Well duh it looks like it does in the movie Bethany, you are in it." My mind screamed  at me, Bethany are you ok a voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts my sister had a look of concern on her face. I'm fine Brooklyn I answered her and she nodded as we made our way over to where Bella was standing next to her truck. Are you guys ready to go she asked my sister and I , I looked over at Brooklyn are you ready to go get your leg looked at I asked her and she nodded. We're ready I answered Bella with a smile and she nodded and got into the drivers side of the car while my sister and I got into the passenger side. She started driving and I looked out the window then it hit me that I didn't know what hospital that we were going to, "Hey Bella I asked her yeah Bethany what's up she asked me what hospital are we taking Brooklyn to? I asked her as I stared out the window we're taking her to Forks Hospital where my friend's dad works she answered her name is Alice Cullen and she and her family are vampires Bella answered with a smile on her face. Brooklyn's face brightened up at the mention of the Cullen's being vampires is Jacob going to be there, I asked my face brightening at the thought of seeing him in person. Brooklyn looked at me I thought that you didn't like Twilight she teased, Bella looks at Brooklyn and I you don't like Twilight Bethany she asked with a confused look on her face why don't you like it, she asked I shrugged my shoulders I didn't say that I don't like it Now I said that I didn't like it then because Brooklyn would always force me to watch it with her after she came home from dates with Logan I said, who's Logan Bella asked confused Brooklyn looked at me her abusive boyfr- just as I was about to finish my sentence Brooklyn slaps a hand over my mouth silencing me with tears in her eyes. Oh no , what have I done now? A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading this even though it is my first time writing a story on this platform , it means a lot to me that you guys enjoy the plot and continue to read it even if it's not the best story being my first one:).

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