Bethany's POV-Part 5 Part 1

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"Hey Bethany ", over here I heard a voice that didn't sound at all like Brooklyn call out my name as I was trying to figure out directions to the nearest hospital to get help for my sister. I turned around to see a girl that looked like she was my age with dark brown hair and brown eyes waving at me, Excuse me but do I know you I asked her with a confused look on my face. "Of course you do silly, I'm yours and Brooklyn's sister Bella I looked at her features she had dark brown hair while Brooklyn and I had light brown hair with red and blonde highlights and brown eyes while Brooklyn and I had hazel eyes. She looked nothing like us yet here she was claiming that she was our sister, I looked at her with a murderous look on my face before taking a breath and letting it slowly out before saying alright look I said Brooklyn and I somehow got trapped in here and we don't know where we are and while we're trying to figure it out, you walk in and claim that you are our sister, I've got news for you Bella Brooklyn and I don't have a sister and would like to find a way out of this place and get back home to our house in LA. She looked at me "Bethany I know that this is hard to believe but you have to trust me and you'll soon get used to life here in Forks". I'll explain everything later she said but I didn't hear her because I was deep in thought,Forks have I heard that name before and if so where have I heard it? I thought that name sounded so familiar that I couldn't remember where I had heard it. I thought back to what Bella had said about getting used to life here in Forks ........when something in my brain clicked. We were in Forks ,Washington. A/N: hey guys it's been a while since I have updated this story and I decided why not post a new part to make you happy, whenever an idea strikes I'll try to update but because it's summer and my school is a butt I've had to focus on summer English and I just haven't been motivated, I'll try to finish the book as quickly as possible so that I can get back to doing Wattpad more frequently.

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