Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: 

Leah's POV: 

Do you ever feel like sometimes things are just too calm or just too perfect. Over the past couple weeks everything between Harry and I has been too perfect to be real. I could just be overanalyzing but something just doesn't feel right. Harry got up off the couch and walked to the bathroom. 

"Girl, if something doesn't feel right then check his phone" Liz said. 

She came over to watch some movies with us. 

"No that's an intrusion of privacy!" I whisper-shouted. 

"Yeah well if you won’t check it then I will! Now hand it over quickly. Boys pee fast." She snatched the phone and a text flashed on the screen. 

As she was reading it, Harry came back. When he saw her on his phone he looked pissed. 

"Give me my phone" he snapped. 

"Oh I don't think I will" she taunted. 

"Give it to me now. It's none of your god damn business" he barked. 

"Oh contra! I do believe that if affects my lovely best friend over there, then it damn well is my business." She said calmly, a little too calmly. 

"Liz what are you talking about?" I asked confused as to how it involved me. 

"Looks like lover boy here is still a cheater. This message from 'Stacy;)' says and I quote 'ditch the dead weight baby. You know I'm here whenever you’re ready' I seriously can't believe you" Liz said coolly. 

I didn't cry. I couldn't bring myself to do it. And I couldn't tell anyone because my dad said Harry was only getting one chance. I simply looked at him expressionless and walked out of the room. 

"Leah wait" he called after me. 

I continued to walk. Instead of going to my room, I walked across the hall to Niall's room. I didn't bother knocking. Niall saw me and walked over to me. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

I walked into his arms and clung to him. 

"We're done" I whispered. 

He wrapped his arms around me. 

"What do you mean? What happened?" He asked as Liz walked in. 

"Harry was cheating with some other girl but Leah can't do anything because if her dad finds out-" Liz began. 

"He'll cut Harry from the group and Leah wouldn't be able to live with herself if that happened" Niall finished for her now that everything was sinking in. 

"You poor thing" Liz cooed. 

"It doesn't help that we all leave tomorrow and you guys are supposed to be a power couple. What are you gonna do? Pretend not to hate him and act like everything is ok?" Niall asked. 

"I forgot we were leaving tomorrow. Yeah I guess that's what were gonna have to do so my dad and the fans don't grow suspicious." I sighed. 

Harry walked in. 

"Leah can we talk?" He asked. "Alone" he added looking at Liz. 

I nodded and walked into my room then closed the door once we were both in. I turned to face him. 

"I'm sorry" he gushed. 

"Yeah well I'm sorry too" I sighed. 

"What are you sorry for?" He asked confused. 

"I'm sorry that I actually believed this would work. That I put faith in something that had no foundation. That I threw my heart out there and no one was ready to catch it. But most of all, I'm sorry that I let you fool me." I whispered. 

"You hate me" he said as a mere statement instead of a question. 

"No, not quite. I'm not gonna be like those girls that say they hate a guy after they break up because honestly, if you truly loved the person then you'll never stop loving them. That's why so many girls easily take their ex back. I truly love you and that'll never change but whatever we had is over" I said in an unwavering tone. 

He sat on my bed and covered his face with his hands. 

"What are we gonna do? We leave tomorrow. Your dads gonna kill me" he said frustrated. 

"You’re a good liar and I know how to act so we can just pretend everything is fine when people are around and then drop the act when no one’s there. The only people that will know the truth will be you, me, Niall and Liz. I'm sure we can keep it that way" I said sitting next to him. 

"I’m going to lose my career like I lost you" He kept his face down. 

"Hey" I said softly "look at me" I removed his hands from his face. "You made a big mistake but I won't let you lose your career because of it" I consoled. I don't know why I'm being so nice. Maybe because I still love him. Maybe because I'm too nice? 

After taking Liz home and telling her and Niall to keep quiet, Harry and I went to my room.  Before I dropped her off Harry got really mad at Niall and then at Liz and took it out on me. He called me a good for nothing bitch. I didn't even stick around for an apology. I ran out the door and took Liz home. I got in on the far side of the bed. And put my back towards Harry. He stayed on his side. The next morning when I woke up, I was lying on Harry's chest with his arms wrapped around me. He woke up just moments later and glared at me. 

"Why are you on top of me?" He barked. 

"I um I don't really know" I said sheepishly. 

"Yeah well get off" he pushed me off then took a shower and left.  

I showered and cried while in the shower. I couldn't hold it in any longer. After my shower I applied some makeup and slipped on a cute summery dress. We would be flying to America today because they were starting their tour there. I walked into the kitchen and snagged a breakfast pastry. I sat far away from Harry. 

"Awe, are the two love birds in a quarrel?" Louis teased. 

We didn’t say anything. 

"No, everything is just peachy" Harry said calmly. 

"Then why is she not on your lap and why are you guy’s not feeding each other like you always do?" Liam asked. 

"I thought you guys hated watching us do that" I said in a clipped tone. 

"Woah. Ok something is wrong" Louis said while stepping closer to me. 

I got up and shot Harry a look. Then walked towards him and sat in his lap. He tensed because he wasn't expecting it. I leaned back and whispered in his ear. 

"Just go with it or they'll never leave us alone" my lips grazed his ear causing a small almost inaudible groan to escape his lips. 

He relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. 

"You're still not feeding each other" Louis complained. 

Just to shut him up I turned and fed harry some of my pastry. He moaned in delight then did something unexpected. He turned me so that I was straddling him in my dress and passionately  kissed my lips. His hands locked around me and mine found their way into his hair. The kiss was so good I almost forgot it was all for show. Slowly we ended the kiss and he pecked my swollen red lips then turned me around. I was a bit out of breath and so was Harry. I could hear him panting. 

"I stand corrected" Louis chirped. 

Shortly after we grabbed our bags and headed for the airport. This was going to be a long flight. 

(A/N: I am so sorry!!! It's been so long you guys probably don't even remember this story! Feedback?) 

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