Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Leah's POV:

I did just like Harry asked and sat back stage in the dressing room waiting for his return. The concert ended an hour and forty five minutes ago so I figured he was chatting with the boys and receiving complements from the stage crew as well as saying his goodbyes to the fans with backstage passes while taking a few photos. I sat on the love seat as my eyelids grew heavy, I began to drift off. 

"Angel" someone whispered. 

"Angel wake up" the voice whispered again. 

"Angel" this time my eyes shot open. 

I looked around the room and Louis was crouched down in front of me with a worried look on his face.

"What time is it?" I asked sleepily. 

"Leah it's 3:15 in the morning. Why are you still here?" He asked. 

"I was waiting for Harry" I said while looking around the room. 

"He went to the after party with Marisa and the other boys. I was there too but I didn't see you anywhere and I tried calling but you didn't pick up so I had security check the hotel and the said you weren't there so I snagged the keys and came back here. Come on angel lets get you back to the hotel" he said while helping me up. 

"So Harry just stood me up? He told me to wait here and then left without me?" I asked. 

"I'm sorry" Louis whispered. 

We climbed into the car and drove in silence back to the hotel. Once we were outside of my room we paused. 

"There not back yet. I really hope you're ok" he said as he pulled me into his arms. 

"What am I gonna do?" I cried.

"Shh baby. Just get some sleep and tomorrow we can talk ok angel" he kissed my forehead and we parted paths. 

I shrugged out of my clothes and put on my nighties. Once dressed, I grabbed a pillow and the extra blanket from the closet and made myself comfortable on the couch, falling into a dreamless sleep. When I woke up I walked into the bedroom and the bed was untouched. Harry never came back last night. I took a long shower and tried to let the hot water wash my stress away. After my shower I put on my bikini and a pair of shorts. I grabbed my iPod and cell phone and headed out to the pool after eating a quick breakfast. I lye out in the sun and listened to music to distract myself. A couple hours had gone by and still no sign from Harry. I glanced to my right and saw a girl reading teen magazine. The cover topic had a picture of Harry dancing with Marisa. 

"Excuse me where did you get that magazine?" I asked politely. 

"At the store a few blocks down but you can have it because I'm done with it" she handed it to me. 

I read the article about his fun filled night and was filled with rage. Now all nice and tan I walked back into our room and found Harry sitting on the couch watching American football. I stormed past him and went straight into our bedroom slamming the door after me. 

"Don't slam the door!" He yelled. 

"Leave me the hell alone" I growled. 

The TV turned off and Harry burst in the room. Swatting my bum he gripped my chin. 

"Don't talk to me like that" he barked. 

I pushed him away from me. 

"Don't touch me you pig" I yelled. 

"What the hell has gotten into you?" He asked annoyed. 

"What's gotten into me? I think the better question is what's gotten into you!" I yelled while throwing the magazine in his face. 

"Do you honestly believe this teen magazine bull shit?" He yelled. 

I remained silent. 

"Goodness you really are clueless" he muttered to himself but I heard him. 

I stocked forward and out stretched my hand to slap him across the face but he caught it. Just as I was about to try again with my other hand he caught that one too. 

"Let me go" I struggled against his hold. 

"Let me explain first" he said civilly. 

"No just leave me the hell alone" I yelled. 

"Fine" he dropped my hands and just stood in front of me. 

I started slapping then punching his chest but he didn't move.  He just stood there and took blow after blow. Tears were pouring down my cheeks and I was yelling all sorts of gibberish at him. I finally stopped and rested my head on my arms which were leaning against his chest. I let the sobs take over and my body began to shake. I was choking, gasping for non-tear-filled air. 

"Why?" I choked out. 

"Why did you just leave me there? Was it so easy to forget about me and run off with her" I sobbed. 

His arms encircled my waist and he rocked me side to side, softly singing Ed Sheeran's 'Lego House'. 

"Shh baby" he cooed. "I'm a jerk. I completely forgot about you and left you there. I got drunk and honestly don't remember half of the night" he said truthfully. 

"Did you sleep with her?" I whispered. 

"No. I would never do that to you" he sighed. 

"Then where were you?" I asked. 

"I fell asleep on the tour bus and they just left me, Niall and Zayn there. Liam left early and Louis took off although I'm not sure where too" he informed.  

"He came for me" I told him. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I was still at the stadium. I fell asleep in the dressing room waiting for you and he got me and brought me back here" I said in a small voice. 

"Oh baby I am so sorry" Harry looked like he really regretted it. 

"It's whatever. Can't cry over spilt milk" I said while pulling out of his hold. 

"Leah wait. Your mad at me" he stated. 

I put on my pjs and climbed in bed, suddenly feeling really tired. 

"Kitten are you ok? It's 4:45 and you're going to sleep" Harry said worried. 

"I'm fine. Just tired" I said then turned over. The last thing I remember was feeling Harry's lips on my forehead as he whispered a sincere apology into my ear, probably assuming that I was already completely asleep. 

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