Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: 

Leah's POV: 

I could feel the bright sun blazing down on to my face so my eyes shot open and my sudden movement caused Harry to wake up. I looked down and saw his arms tight around my waist and as much as I wanted to stay there I knew that I couldn't give in so easily

'um why are your arms around my waist Styles?' I asked trying to sound annoyed

'uh um uh ah um because last night you pulled them around you and said you were cold! You starting to fancy me love?' Harry asked with a smirk plastered in his face

'what? no gross just let me go.'

'OK no need to be cranky love' he pressed his lips to a spot on my neck and then blew over it. It felt so good I almost let a moan escape my lips but then I saw his devilish smirk and sprung out of my bed......... After my shower I was walking and was about to enter my kitchen when I saw all the boys and hear Louis say 'so she's trying to get you to fall for her and your gonna get her to fall for you but your making it a game and she's serious?'

'Yeah pretty much' Harry said

'I don't think that's a good idea' Niall piped in

'why not' Harry asked puzzled

'well she's one of my good friends and she's really a nice girl and I don't think she deserves to be played so just know that I don't support this' Niall said

'Niall come on live a little it's just some harmless flirting no harm can be done!' Harry said a little to cheerfully

'look Harry if she falls in love with you and you break her heart you could get cut from one direction lets not for get who were talking about here it's Simon's baby girl and if anyone breaks her heart and it gets back to him he'll make sure you need sing a note again' Niall replied 'and you'll feel like a total dick because your gonna fall for her while trying to play your little game and when you loose her it's all over.' I slowly walked into the kitchen and all the boys shot their heads at me wondering if I had heard their little conversation so I just pretended like I didn't hear anything

'my dad says for you guys to be ready by 11 because you have a lot of work to do.'

'Are you coming with us?' Zayn asked

'no not today at least' i replied.

'why not?' He pressed

'because one of my friends is coming over and we'd rather hang out here than run around all day' i said.

'oh ok then well bye'

'bye guys'

Liz's POV:

'Hey Leah two things one here's the book and two I have a good idea' I said.

'thanks and what's your idea?' Leah questioned.

'I say we follow the guys around!!' I said excitedly

'Why' she questioned again.

'Because it'll be fun trust me' i said

'ok lets go!' she agreed

Harry's POV: 

'Ok boys your free to go now but make sure your at the restaurant at six!' Simon commanded

'OK' we all said in unison

'lets go get some food I'm starved!!' Niall said

'ha ha OK lets go' I replied. We all got in one of the SUVs Simon was allowing us to use and we went off to the shops. Once we arrived we made a B-line for the food area. That's when it happened. Ashley a girl I went to school with came running up to me and kissed me. It took me by surprise but damn did it feel nice to kiss some one. But when I opened my eyes I saw Leah and Elisabeth staring at me and Leah looked like she was about to cry. I pulled back but Ashley refused to let me go. She looked over at Leah and smirked. What just happened? All I know is that this little Incident isn't helping my case. But I don't know why I feel so bad. It's not like Leah's my girlfriend or anything so I can do what I want. But still there was a part of me that felt really bad. 

Leah's POV: 

Liz and I walked into the mall and I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into someone she what tall fair skin blond hair and green eyes.

'I'm sorr-' I started but she cut me off 'WATCH IT little twat! Just because your daddy is Simon doesn't mean you can run into people and think its OK'

'I'm really sorry it was truly and accident' I said

'Ha yeah whatever oh and I know Harry and the rest of the guys are staying with you but just because your gonna be with them and Harry may give you some attention doesn't mean anything! He DOES NOT like you' she spat

'I never said he did' I said in a clearly hurt tone

'Awe I bet you have feelings for him but listen here honey he's mine so back off' and with that she walked away. What the hell there's no way he has a girlfriend I would know that wouldn't I? My eyes began to water and Liz brushed the tears away

'Babe it's OK I'm sure there's an explanation for this' she said. I nodded in response then shot my head up when I heard a girl screaming Harry's name. It was the girl I just ran into.

'OH MY GOD' Liz said as we watched her jump in his arms and press her lips to his face. He looked up and locked eyes with me.  I all the sudden burst into tears. I turned and ran. The tears were clouding my vision but Liz was at my side.

'I'm gonna drive you home hun OK' she said. I just shook my head vigorously. When we pulled up she gripped my hands and pulled me into a hug

'Its gonna be alright babe I know you don't wanna hear that but your strong and I know you can make it through this! Kay I love you bye'

'Your the best friend ever I love you too bye'

'Call me if you need anything' 'okay'

*several hours later* 

I lay across my bed still crying and my body began to shake. Then I got a text

From: daddy

'Love the boys and I are at the restaurant but Harry's not feeling well so he's gonna come home. Make sure he's OK please love. 


Great. I sat up and washed my tear stained and puffy face then my bedroom door swung open.

'Leah can we talk' Harry begged I could tell he'd been crying. But why it's not like he cares.

'No aren't you sick or something? Why don't you just sleep or something!' I spat

'I'm not really sick I just said that so I could come here and talk to you while we're alone!'

'Well tough luck styles because I'm NOT talking to you' 'fine then I guess I'll have to force you' he said with a smirk 'leave me alone' with that he gripped my wrists and pinned me to the wall 'let me go' I screamed 'no not until you hear me out' he said sternly 'I don't want to hear you talk but if you feel the need to move your mouth I'm sure that girl from the mall your girlfriend or whatever would love for you to move your lips against her mouth' he gripped my wrist tighter putting both my small ones in one of his rather large hands.  I have to admit he looks really sexy when he's mad. What am I saying I'm supposed to be pissed. 'Shes not my girlfriend!' He spat 'whatever let me go' I said while squirming he wrapped his other arm around my waist and crashed his lips on mine. I resisted and he started laughing as he kissed down my jaw line to my neck and he found my sweet spot which made me moan 'you like that baby?' He seductively questioned I just rolled my head back and bit my lip. He left a love bite over my sweet spot and brought his lips back to mine but this time I melted into the kiss. He let go of my wrist and I immediately entangled my hands in his hair causing him to let out a deep throaty moan. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso and his large hands held me up easily. He slowly walked us over to my bed and was above me and our kiss never broke. Then my phone went off

From: daddy

'Were on our way home does Harry need any thing or do you?'


And with that we broke apart

To: daddy

'No were good thanks. xx'

My eyes darted back to Harry 'no one can know about this' I said to him 'it'll be our little secret he said as he kissed me one last time before laying down and pretending to be sick. 

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