Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Leah's POV: 

Sauntering off to my bedroom with Harry at a close proximity behind me I turned around to face him once I slightly entered the room. I turned around and faced him. He was extremely sexually frustrated at this point. I could tell by the bulge forming in his pants. His hands gripped my waist tugging me close to him.  The sound if his steady heart beat quickening is all I could hear. 

"I'm gonna make you wish you'd never even thought of makings jealous" Harry taunted

His grip on me tightened and he got really close. So close our lips were touching when we spoke. I took it upon myself to lightly brush my strawberry glossed lips across his. Teasing him with an almost kiss. My actions made him shudder. 

"Come closer Harry." I whispered. He complied and closed the gap between us. "Your such a player" I whispered in his ears. He was taken by surprise at my words. Eyes nearly bulging  our of his head

(😉 no pun intended if you know what I mean) 

I looked him square on in his green orbs and allowed my eyes to penetrate deep into him 

(😉 again no pun intended) 

"But that's ok" I simply stated

"Really?" He questioned in shock

"Yeah because you can think of me as the coach" and with that I pushed him off me "you can sleep in Niall's room tonight he said he doesn't mind!"  Harry stumbled back as I slammed my bedroom door in his face. The bewildered look on his face was prefect and priceless. He's not gonna win me back that easily.  Liz and I did a lot of prepping for this and one of the things she told me was 'don't give in you can't give up the cookie (that's what the book refers to your lady parts as) you have to hold out test his feelings for you. Not only will you see who he truly is but when you finally let him have the "cookie" it'll be worth the wait. That is, if he proves that he deserves it. You have to set standards. The reason he's not faithful is because once he "had" you, you didn't give him any reason to put up a fight to keep you. So set standards. Not too high. But reachable. And if he truly loves you he'll make the changes. But don't forget to reward him in other ways to keep him chancing for more' reminiscing on her words made me feel strong and like I have the upper hand. 

Harry's POV:

What the actual hell just happened? One minute I'm raging because I'm jealous the next I'm turned on by Leah's anger and extremely sexually frustrated and now she slams the door in my face pretty much telling me she's over the fact that I cheated on her and she could careless? That's not exactly what I was expecting. 

"Um Niall can I sleep in your room tonight?" I asked

"Sure but I'm not gonna be in there until later because Leah's friend Jace is coming over and he's spending the night so I'm gonna hang with them" Niall said while beaming. 

"Oh um really?" I asked while running my hands through my curls "um where's he gonna sleep?" 

"Haha mate why do you care so much?" Niall said. Then he looked as if a sudden realization had washed over him "dude your whipped aren't you?" He questioned

"What no what" I stuttered

"Don't you dare lie to me Harry Edward styles!" Niall said while raising his voice. To be honest I've never seen him so serious. But I couldn't be whipped right. This is just summer fun. Right. Well if it is I'm not sure why I care so much about what Leah and Jace do. As a matter of fact I dont care. 

"No Niall I'm not whipped" I sternly say. The. The doorbell rings. And we both turn and see Leah flying down the hallway to the door so I shuffle over to get a better look. She opens the door and he walks in then she jumps up in his arms and wraps her legs around his torso and pecks him on the lips while he smiles at her and places his hands under her bum to support her. This pisses me off. That should be me. 

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