Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: 

Leah's POV:

Harry lay in my bed as I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail. My dad in the boys just got back so I'm gonna go help them put the stuff they bought away. I sauntered into the kitchen all smiles and giggles then it happened. My worst nightmare.

"What's that on your neck?" Niall asked. Oh crap I forgot about the love bite Harry gave me earlier 'shit' is silently cursed under my breath

'um it's nothing I uh got a bruise yeah that's what happened' I lied. I'm a terrible liar.

"Let me see it love" my dad said. Great what am I gonna do now? He knows when I'm lying "Leah is that what I think it is?" He asked his voice stern

'what do you think it is daddy?' I asked innocently even though I knew where he was going with this.

"did some boy do that to you?" he snapped

'NOO DAD!! I got a bruise when I uh fell um earlier.'

"Don't lie to me" he raised his voice. It was really scary so I took a step back but bumped into Harry.

"She got scared and fell when I walked in her room earlier. She wasn't expecting anyone" Harry said then winked at me

"oh why didn't you say that Leah?" My dad pressed.

'Um uh' my face flushed

"love your acting offly strange" Niall said I turned and exited the kitchen. 

Harry's POV:

All the boys left the kitchen and it was just me and Simon. Just as I was exiting he called me.

'Harry can I talk to you for a minute?' he said

"Yeah sure what's up?"

'Leah is my only child and if I find out anything is going on between you too there will be consequences. Understood?'

"YES SIR!" I hastily said as I exited the kitchen and went back into Leah's room and closed and locked the door. She was sitting on her bed with tears in her eyes. 'Whats wrong love?'

"Nothing I don't wanna talk about it' she said as more sobs came out. I sat next to her and rubbed small circles on her back

'look Leah you can tell me anything'

"no I really can't Harry!" She snapped I was getting up to leave when I felt her small hand grip my shirt. "I'm sorry Harry" tears flooded her eyes yet again so I pulled her on my lap.

'Baby what's wrong' I asked

"my dad almost busted me and then I heard what he said to you" she said

'it's ok he doesn't know anything'

"yeah but he's gonna find out and I don't wanna be the reason for something bad happening to you. You could get cut from the hand and loose everything you've worked for" she cried

"that's not gonna happen ok. I promise."

'Harry can I ask you something?'

"Sure princess anything"

'who was that girl?' Her question took me by surprise but I knew she was gonna ask at some point 'she's an old girlfriend from high school but she means nothing to me now! The only girl I want is....' I trailed off too afraid to admit that u want her to be mine. Wait what is happening to me I can't seriously fall for her I'm the player I don't get played!!

"Who?" She asked well I might as well tell her then I can use it against her later for my benefit

'you' I bent down and kissed her 'from here on out its just you and me'


Leah's POV:

'Please tell me this isn't the truth. Tell me it didn't really happen that I just imagined it.' I said

Harry just stands there expressionless

The tears rush to my eyes and begin to cascade down my  face 'Harry you promised! You promised you would never cheat on me again! And the worst part is you did it with my best friend! How could you?!' I shouted through the sobs

'B.. Babe... B.... Baby I'm so sorry' Harry whispered so low it was almost inaudible 

He reached out to try to grab my arm to console me but I just couldn't I needed to get out of this flat and think. This is just all too much. I watched through tears as his face began to sadden because I jerked back. 

'Babe please.' He whispered again 'I'm really sorry Leah please I don't wanna loose you your my world and I can't go on without you please' 

'No Harry stop. I was the one who listened to all your problems. I was the one that put up with your tantrums. I was the one who actually cared about you. I was the one who stuck around when everyone else told me to leave. I was the one who stood up for you. I was the one who loved you when you gave me every reason not to. And lastly I was the one who was there for you when no one else was. And this is the thanks I get? For what, being a faithful, honest, genuine girlfriend? Please at least tell me what I did that pushed you away. I'll take the blame just tell me I'm a screwed up mess or that I never listen. Or that you need your distance. Please don't just stand there tell me what your thinking or tell me a lie. Anything please just give me a reason to not walk out that door.'

I watched as he just sat there in taking everything I said but he didn't say anything so I spoke for him 'well since you obviously have nothing to say can you answer one question for me, was any of this real? Or was it all a game?' He just sat there no response and tears flooded my eyes clouding my vision as I grabbed my jacket, phone and wallet and ran out of my house. I got in my car and drive to Elizabeth's house. It's about time she finds out the whole story

(Note: I'm gonna go back and explain everything later so it'll all make sense)

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