This was an awkward morning.

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School Outfit:

So I woke up and it was the first day of school, and of course it had to be a Monday

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So I woke up and it was the first day of school, and of course it had to be a Monday. I got up and dressed just did not want to wear a leather jacket today because I noticed that almost all werewolves wears leather jackets. I mean like what is up with werewolves and leather jackets. My "mom" bought me motorcycle so I can be happy and I love it and I never go anywhere without this unless I'm wolf of course. I finally got to school and found two black motorcycles but not as good as mine, but pretty decent. I went to the administration desk to get my schedule. But since it is a Monday, it had to give me something bad. I ran into my ex boyfriend Aiden and well it was awkward and hoping he does not recognize. Then again it is a Monday he had to recognize me.
"Avalon, hey!" He said.
Oh shoot, I said in my mind.
"Oh hey Aiden, weird seeing you here." I said awkwardly. Thank goodness that the lady gave me the schedule in time before he said anything else. I went to my locker after that.
Scott's P.O.V:
I was on my motorbike and happy that I had enough money to buy it so I don't have to borrow in my mom's car anymore. When I got there I was pretty happy until I found 3 other motorcycles better than mine. But there was the one with the red stripe that was the best out the others including mine. I was walking to my locker when I saw a familiar person near my locker. When I actually got a clear shot of her face... I couldn't believe it was her, I thought she died in the fire. But it was her alive and real. It was the Avalon Hale, the girl I had a crush on like the longest time back when we were kids. Then when I saw her face again I had like this feeling to kiss her and hold her like she belongs to me. I should go talk to her now. I walked up to her and smiled and said " Hey Avalon long time no see." Is that really all I could say. Ugh I hate Mondays.
Normal. P.O.V (Avalon's P.O.V)
Scott walked up to me and smiled with those puppy brown eyes of his. Snap out of it. All he said was "Hey Avalon long time no see." Wow, he didn't miss me. But then I got his scent and his scent was full of regret. Probably he regretted what he said.
"Oh hey Scott." I said. Awkward.
"Where have you been this whole time." He asked with curiosity
"Umm, I was in the UK, because well my cousin Laura told me to leave so I can be safe, assuming you know about us and our secret. " I said to him.
"Yeah, I know about it." He said while he was feeling sorry for me.
"So who bit you?" I had to ask I was curious.
"Umm, Peter Hale." He mumbled.
"My father?" I asked with surprised.
"Wait he's your father." Surprised.
"Yes, after all Derek is my cousin." I said in a duh tone.
"Well-" He got interrupted by the bell and thank goodness. 


A/N: This is the motorcycle.

A/N: This is the motorcycle

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