The plan did not go as planned

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I was just a few hours ago when I agreed to help Derek and his pups. But the thing is that Isaac said that there were two people in the vault and Erica was dead. I just have a feeling that the person in there is Cora. Because I knew that she was alive when I went to Peru for 'traveling reason.' I would make sense because it was about 3 or 2 months that Cora has not contacted me. She usually calls me or text me like 3 or 4 time month, so that I know that she is alive. It just really complicated right now.
"Avalon what do you think." Bastard asked. (A/N if you don't know who he is it's Peter)
" What?" I said
" You're not paying attention Avalon." Derek said
" I was thinking about something." I stated.
" Which is..." Stiles said.
" I promised not to say a word about her or she will at least TRY to kill me." I said
" See the keyword TRY" Stiles stupidly said. I just chuckled at that.
" We were saying if we got the back we may get to them." Scott said. I smiled. He smiled back. And Peter glared at him.
'' But I was saying it was a stupid ideas because the criminals that broke in the bank took too much time and they did it with the drill." Stiles said.
" You really are stupid Stiles. " I said to him
" What are you talking about?'' He asked
" She is right, if we must remind you we are werewolves." Derek said.
" Oh really what are you going to do punch the wall, huh?" Stiles said back to him. Idiot.
" Yes actually." Derek said.
"Okay Mr. Big guy pretending this is the 40 feet thick wall and-" SMACK. Derek pushed his hand with no effort and his hand went to the table.
"Yep, yes he can do it." Stiles said in pain. That just sent me into a laughing fit.
" Priceless... do it again, but let me record it" I said.
"Oh, haha. It's so funny when Stiles get hurt." Stiles said sarcastically.
"Anyways, does someone want to come with me. That is not Stiles" Derek said looking at everyone but mostly at me.
" I can't I just got off a tub full of ice." Isaac said. Wimp.
" I can't I don't have all of my werewolf powers since I came back from the dead."
"Self centered bastard." I muttered
" I heard that." Peter said
"You were supposed to." I remarked.
"Anyways I'll come it's been a while since I got some action." I said.
" Wait as in, sexually or violent." Stiles said.
" Well it has been a while since I did the deed with a person, but no I was talking about violently." I said
" Oh, wait you're not a virgin. Dammit, am I the only person." He said. I just giggled.
" I'll come too, just in case." Scott said.
" So are you saying that I can't fight." I acted like I was angry. While Derek looked amused
"No, I was... Just , oh god." Scott said.
"I'm joking, I was trying to fun with you." I said to him
" Oh." He said.
"Okay then let's go." Derek said
" First I need to change into something more comfortably." I said

Scott's POV 😝
We were waiting outside.
" You like her don't you." Derek asked
" I think I do." I said back to him
" Just don't hurt her, she's been through enough." Derek said
"What do you mean?" ( Ha ha get it... No okay) I asked
" It's not my place to tell, she will tell you when she is ready." Derek said.
" Okay." I said. Avalon came out and she look hot, I mean gorgeous.
" That is comfortable?" Derek said unsure
"Yes, I feel and dressed like a ninja but more stylish ." Avalon said.
Her ninja outfit:

 Her ninja outfit:

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An hour later
Avalon's POV
" Scott you okay?'' I asked him cause he looked a little scared.
" Yeah why? '' He said back
" Nothing."
" Scott you don't have to go I was just asking if anyone wanted to come.'' Derelict said.
"I know, and I want to go okay." Scott said.
"Okay then let's get going." Just when he said that he did something that could impress pups. But to me that is basic. I guess he like to show off... A lot.
" Show off." Scott said. And I just laughed. We got to the place that we were supposed to be and Scott got a phone call. I was not paying attention to it at all.
"Can I such the wall? " I asked
"No" Derek stated.
" Jackass." I muttered
" I heard that." Derek said
" I know you were supposed to ." I remarked. Derek punched the wall and there was a male werewolf and someone that I expected to see. Cora.
" Derek and Avalon, get out." Cora said. Aww she is watching out for us. That's cute. Oh well I don't listen to people.
"Cora." Derek said.
" I knew they took her. I knew it." I said.
"Wait you knew she was alive." Derek said
" Duh" I said.
" Who is she?" Scott asked.
"My sister." Derek responded.
" I can't control myself." Cora said. Just as she said that some lady put some mountain ash on the ground to complete the circle. Ha like that can stop me.
" Oh you two are in danger, me on the other hand not really, cause I can easily walk through there. But I'm not Peter so I will help you survive against them." I said.
Cora came at Derek and Boyd came at Scott. Wow I feel like the third wheel in a double date. Cora is easy to take out so I let Derek deal with her. I went to the big guy and punched him in the gut hard. That got him distracted for a minute or two so he won't kill Scott or Derek. But then again he went to Scott and clawed him the gut and and Cora was choking Derek. Who should I go to Scott or Derek. Derek. I pulled Cora off of him and as soon as I did that some girl got the pups attention and broke the mountain ash. Well then. People are in deep shit right now because there are werewolves who can not control themselves and Derek is angry, like pissed.
" Why did you do that?'' Derek yelled at her.
" Scott was going to die and I was not going to let another person die." The girl said
" Scott can heal." Derek said.
" So you don't mind of other people died, just like my mother." The girl said. I like her, she has an attitude.
" No, Allison, you don't know the full story, did you tell her Scott." Derek said.
" Tell me what?" I'm guessing is Allison.
" Your mom tried to kill me." Scott said. Well ill be damned who would have known.
" What?'' She said.
" Well then this getting awkward. And Allison I like your attitude. We should be friends." I said.
" Avalon seriously she is an Argent." Derek said
" I don't care , she is about my age and she had no idea about the fire back then." I said. With that Derek stormed off.
" Are you okay?'' I asked Allison
" yeah, and thanks for that." She said.
'' Hey, I mean what I said we can be friends." I told her. She smiled at me. Oh my god she has adorable dimples.
"I should be leaving before Lydia gets worried." She said
"oh tell Lydia I said hi. And my name is Avalon if you did not know." I said to her.
"Okay bye." With that she left.
" Hey big guy you okay.'' I asked Scott.
" Yeah I'm healing." Scott said.
" I'll help you out." I helped him up and we went walking
" Well the plan did not go as planned." He said

A/N: this was a long chapter hope you like it. 

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