chapter 1 A new start

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your pov

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. to my alarm clock beeping like crazy.
"Oh come on i thought it was still summer!" I yelled as I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock.
"New stupid school," I muttered to myself.
I slowly crawled out of bed and to my closet. I grabbed my uniform out of my closet and put it on. I tucked in the white buttoned down shirt into my blue skirt. Then someone decided to knock on my door.
"Come in Garroth!" I yelled as I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of white knee-high socks from the bottom draw.
Garroth opened the door as I sat down on my bed starting to put on my knee-high socks. He was wearing a similar button down shirt like me but with gray khakis as well as a blue tie, navy blue long sleeve vest, and nice dress shoes.
"Great outfit," I complimented as I started to slide on my shoes.
"Thanks but not really my choice of clothing," he replied.
"What's up?" I asked as I stood up and walked over towards my mirror and started to mess around with my hair.
"First off I wanted to make sure you were ok because I heard you yell something and them slam something. Second breakfast is done," he told me.
"Yeah I'm still alive and I'll be down in a moment," I replied with a smile.
"Alright," he said as he walked out and ran down the stairs.
I decided to just leave my hair down. I grabbed the light blue ribbon laying on top of my dresser. I threw it around my neck and tied it into a neat bow in the front and tucked it under my collar. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Are kitchen was relatively nice. We had a nice and opened kitchen with a island in the middle. As you walk out of the kitchen there is a small bar area where you can eat. Then if you walk a little further you have the dining room. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my plate of pancakes and walked over to my brother, who was sitting in the dining room. I took a seat in front of him. He looked up and smiled at me then continued with his food. I grabbed the butter and started to spread the butter out. Then I grabbed the syrup and started to drizzle endless amounts of it on my pancakes. My brother looks up and chuckles.
"What are you laughing about mister," I ask as I put down the syrup and start to eat my pancakes.
"You and your pancakes," he replied still laughing.
"Well me and my pancakes are offended," I tell him as I continued to eat my pancakes.
"Well your technically murdering your three friends," he remarked as he was calming down from his laughter.
"Well Bob, Sherry, and Linda where being mean and I was hungry and decided to eat them," I replied finishing the last of my pancakes.
He started laughing again as he took his plate as well as my plate to the kitchen. He put them in the sink and walked to the front of the house.
"Come on Y/n we have to go!" He yelled.
I ran through the house and to the front. I grabbed my bags and ran out the door before he was ready.
"Don't leave me!" He yelled running out the house, but having to stop so he can lock the house up.
I kept running and slowly started to slow down. As i was walking there was a girl in front of me. She had raven black hair that was down like mine and she had a pretty good tan. She was really pretty from the back as well. And no don't worry I'm not bisexual. Or am I? No just joking I'm not! I worked up the courage to walk up to her.
I walked next to her and said,"hey I'm y/n."
She glanced over at me and smiled.
"Hey I'm aphmau. It's nice to meet you," she replied.
"It's nice to meet you too. So do you go to Phoenix drop high?" I asked her.
"Yeah I do. Are you new?" She asked me.
"Yeah I am," I replied.
"Can I show you around!" She asked in excitement.
"Sure why not," I replied with a smile.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up in the air. I shrieked as I was lifted up into the air.
"How dare you leave me!" I heard a agitated male voice yell at me.
"Garroth put me down!" I yell laughing as he was carrying me in his arms.
"Not until you say sorry," he replied with sass.
"What's the fun in that," I asked as I continued to laugh.
Then he decided to fake drop me. I shrieked again as I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck thinking he was going to actually drop me.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please don't drop me again!" I yelled in fear he would drop me.
"Ummmm can I ask a question?" Aphmau asked us.
"Ummmm who are you?" Garroth asked her.
"What's up aph?" I asked.
"Are you two a couple?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.
I felt like I was going to puke. Garroth looked like he would too. I jumped out of garroth's arms. Garroth placed his hands on his stomach actually looking like he was going to puke.
"NO!" I yelled.
"Oh my god noooooooooooo I'm not dating my sister," Garroth remarked.
"Ohhhhh you two are brother and sister. Awwww that's cute," Aphmau said in a giddy voice.
"I can't get that image out of my mind now," I said to no one in particular.
"Oh shut it y/n. Don't ever speak of it again. Now who is this?" He asked looking at me, then to Aphmau, then back at me.
A smirk formed on my face and I could see Aphmau walk back a little from the corner of my eye. I walked over to Aphmau and wrapped my arm around her waist. She jumped a little, confused of what I was doing.
I whispered in her ear and said,"just play along. I want to see his reaction."
She giggled a little and nodded. Garroth stared at me and then at her.
"Garroth meet my girlfriend Aphmau," I said chuckling a little bit as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Y/n... your... bisexual," he asked as he stared at me shocked.
I chuckled a little bit more before he said,"wait how long have you had a girlfriend?!?!"
"For about five minutes," I replied as me and Aphmau bursted out into laughter.
He shook his head and started to walk away laughing a little.
"Don't leave us!" I yelled as I grabbed Aphmau's hand and ran after him.
"What," he asked laughing.
"I was joking! She's my friend! Aphmau this is my brother garroth. Garroth this is my friend Aphmau," I said.
"I thought we were best friends!" Aphmau exclaims as she put her hand over her heart so she looked like she was hurt.
"We are!" I replied hugging her.
"You two are going to be the death of me!" Garroth exclaimed.
Me and Aphmau started to laugh as we walked through the school gates.
"Hey Garroth would you like me to show you around with your sister?" Aphmau asked.
"Nah I already have a friend that's going to show me around," he replied as he started to walk away from us.
"When did you meet someone!" I shouted towards him.
He turned around and replied with,"you remember Laurence right."
"You mean 'mister imma beat you up if you talk to her like that again'. Yeah I remember him," I replied with a smile.
"He goes here and is going to show me around," he told me.
"Oh tell him I said hi!" I replied with a smile.
"I will," He replied turning around and started to walk away.
"Bye Batman," I yelled at him.
"Bye Robin," he yelled back as he turned a corner and disappeared.
I smiled and turned towards Aphmau. She smiled and took my hand as she started to walk to somewhere. Luckily the halls were not that crowded because we got here relatively early.
"You and your brother get along so well," Aphmau told me.
"Yeah I'm happy about that. Me and him have always gotten along. He's all I have," I replied to her statement.
"I'm jealous," she says with a chuckle as she gripped my hand tighter.
"How come," I asked as my smile fell from my face.
"Because I don't have a brother or sister or father. I'm a only child and my father left me and my mom," she replied.
"Well if it makes you any better all I have is Garroth. My mom... died, and my father left me and Garroth," I told her.
"Oh you poor soul," she replied stopping and pulling me into a hug.
I hugged back and laid my head on her shoulder as I started to tear up. She started to rub my back as I silently cried on her shoulder. She gently pulled away and looked at me.
"Don't cry. Your to pretty to be doing that," she told me as she wiped my tears away.
I chuckled at her statement and smiled a little.
"There's your beautiful smile. Now come on we need to get your locker number and schedule before class officially starts," she told me as she pulled me towards a little office.
We walked in and to the front desk. A lady with brown hair walked out and smiled at us.
"Hello girls how may I help you," she asked in a sweet voice.
"My friend y/n needs a schedule and her locker number," Aphmau piped up.
"Oh y/n Ro'Meave. You know I just saw your brother in here," she told me as she walked over to a filing cabinet and opening one of the drawers.
"Oh really," I replied with a smile.
"Yup. Laurence is actually showing him around," she told me.
"So he does go here," I replied with a smile.
"Why yes he does Miss. Ro'Meave," She replied to my statement as she handed me a piece of paper.
"Please just call me y/n," I told her with a smile as I took the paper.
"Alright now your locker number is at the top of the paper and your schedule is at the bottom," she told me with a smile.
I nodded and started to walk with Aphmau.
"Oh y/n!" The lady called.
I turned around to see what she wanted.
"I'm Mrs. West," she said with a warm smile.
"Thank you Mrs. West," I replied with a smile.
I turned back around towards Aphmau and we walked out of the office.
"Alright what's your locker number?" She asked.
"88," I replied.
"Oh thats a few lockers down from mine. My locker number is 77. Your going to be happy with who's next to you," she told me as we walked down the row of lockers.
"Who's next to me?" I asked curiously.
"Laurence," she replied.
"Your serious!" I asked with delight.
She nodded her head as we approached my locker.
"Here is your locker!" She says happily.
As she said that more people started to pile into the halls. I smiled as I opened my locker and put my stuff in it.
"I'll be right back I'm going to go get my books before the bell rings," she told me shuffling off towards her locker.
I smiled as I started to grab my books for my first three periods. That's when I heard a all to familiar voice ring through the halls.
"So your locker should be right here. Yup locker number 91. Your lucky I'm locker number 89," I heard him chuckle and start to walk towards me.
"Hey Green Arrow," I said loud enough for him to hear me.
"Excuse me," I heard him say towards my locker door since I was hidden behind it.
"Nice to hear your voice again Laurence Zvahl," I told him as I slamed my locker door shut and turning towards him with a smile.
"No way," he said in disbelief.
"What you thought Garroth was the only one new here," I replied with a chuckle.
"Is it really you?" He questioned walking towards me and touching my h/c hair.
"Yup it sure is Zvahl," I answered with a smile.
"My little dork!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I see you've finally seen her," I heard Garroth's voice ring through the hall.
He pulled away with the biggest smile I have ever seen.
"You don't know how much I've missed both of you!" He exclaimed.
Me and Garroth both chuckled at him. Then I felt a presence beside me.
"Ello babe," I said wrapping my arm around Aphmau's waist.
"Seriously y/n your going to make your brother faint," Aphmau told me laying her head on my shoulder.
"Not this again," Garroth said looking towards Laurence who had his mouth wide open.
"Laurence your going to catch flies hunny," I told him.
"Your bisexual!" Laurence exclaimed.
"Laurence this is Aphmau. Aphmau this is Laurence," I said as I retracted my arm from around her waist and she lifted her head from my shoulder.
"Hi Laurence nice to meet you," Aphmau said with a smile as she held her hand out.
He hesitantly shook her hand and then looked at me. Me and Aphmau bursted out laughing.
"That's two today Aph!" I exclaimed high-fiving her.
"We are great at acting n/n," she told me.
"Aye I like that nickname," I told her as I slung my arm around her shoulders in a friendly way with a smile on my face.
"Wait so you two aren't dating?" Laurence questioned.
"Nope," I told him.
"So your not bisexual?" He questioned.
"I mean if I was a guy I'd most like ask her out but I'm not sorry Aph," I said looking over at Aphmau.
"None taken," she replied with a smile.
Laurence let out a sigh in relief. I laughed a little. The bell then rang through the halls.
"Shot what homeroom do you have n/n," Aphmau asked me.
"Mr. Holmes," I replied.
"Dang I have Mrs. Williams," she replied slightly upset.
"It's ok will must likely see each other again," I told her with a smile.
She nodded and then looked over at garroth.
"Who do you have," she asked him.
"I have Mrs. Williams," he replied.
She smiled.
"I'll show you where her room is," she told him as she started walking forward.
He followed her.
"Bye Aph and Batman!" I yelled.
"Bye n/n!" Aphmau yelled.
"Bye Robin!" Garroth yelled now walking beside Aphmau.
"Laurence who do you have?" I asked him.
"Mr. Holmes," he replied as he shut his locker door.
"Can I walk with you?" I asked.
"Of course shortie," he replied with a smile.
I smiled back as we both started to walk towards homeroom.
"I don't think you know how badly I missed you," Laurence told me as we turned a corner.
"Oh believe me I think I missed you more," I replied.
"I can't believe he still calls you Robin," he said with a chuckle as he pushed through the crowd with me beside him.
"Well I still call him Batman and you Green Arrow," I replied with a smile.
"Yup I've always loved that nickname. It makes me feel like a super hero," he replied with smile.
After he said that someone tripped me. I fell to the ground and my books were scattered around the hallway.
"Nice view sweetheart," I heard a male voice say.
I quickly jumbed up and flattened down my skirt and blushed in embarrassment.
"Why in the hell were you staring down there you prick!" Laurence yelled towards the boy.
"Oh come on Laurence I know you've done that," the male said as he stood up from the bench in the hallway.
Some people were staring at us as others rushed to get to class. I slowly hide behind Laurence gripping his arm tightly.
"I would never do that Gene," Laurence replied with anger.
"Sure, you were probably going to bang the girl in the bathroom anyways," the male named Gene said to Laurence.
"Laurence is not that kind of a person," I piped up towards the boy.
"Excuse me little lady," Gene said as he walked towards me and Laurence.
"Stay away from her," Laurence growled as he pushed him back.
"Is she your girlfriend," he asks.
"I am not!" I yelled towards him.
"Shut it little girl!" He yelled at me raising his hand up.
"Don't you dare touch her," Laurence growled protectively.
He smirked and went to hit me but Laurence pushed me behind him and grabbed Gene's hand.
"I said don't touch her," he growled throwing Gene's arm back.
"Laurence lets just go," I told him tugging his arm a little.
He nodded and started to walk towards our homeroom.
"We'll see each other again sweetheart," Gene yelled walking in the other direction.
I shivered as Laurence walked into a classroom.
"Thank you Laurence," I told him.
"No problem shortie," he replied patting me on the head.
The bell then rang. Laurence sat in his seat and I sat in the seat beside his.
"Welcome class now we have a new student. Miss. Ro'Meave please stand," the teacher commanded.
I slowly rose from my seat.
"We are glad to have you here Miss. Ro'Meave. I am Mr. Holmes and I will be your homeroom teacher," he told me with a smile.
"Please call me y/n," I replied with a smile.
He nodded and motioned for me to sit back down. I sat back in my seat and placed my hands on my desk.
"Alright class as you know this is your free period so you may socialize or read or do homework that you didn't do yesterday. Just don't bother me," he told us as he went back to his desk and started to type something on his computer.
Most of everyone got up and started to socialize. Laurence pulled a chair over to me and laid his head on my shoulder.
"Tired already?" I asked ruffling his hair.
He nodded as he swatted my hand away from his hair.
"You know the rule! Don't touch the hair!" He exclaimed.
After he said that someone slide onto my desk. I looked up to see a boy with blue hair and dark blue eyes. He was dressed in the same uniform as Laurence and Garroth. He ran his hand through his hair and looked down at me. I gave him a gentle smile.
"Well hello there foxy," he said in a flirty tone.
"No no no no not you! Leave me to sleep. I don't need you flirting with her," Laurence said towards him as he wrapped his arms around me protectively.
"What are you two dating," the boy asked with a eyebrow raised.
"Nope he's just a big baby who doesn't really want me to talk to any boys," I replied with a smile.
The boy laughed a little at my response.
"Well I'm Dante," he says with his hand out.
"Y/n," I reply trying to move my arm but Laurence wouldn't budge.
"Laurence can I at least shake his hand," I ask him.
"No," he replied snuggling into my side.
"Laurence," I say towards him.
He groaned as he pulled away from me for a moment. I shook Dante's hand. He smiled as he let go of my hand. I let my arm fall back to its originial spot. As soon as it fell into place Laurence quickly wrapped his arms around me again and snuggled into my side.
"What is he to you," Dante asked.
"A very close friend. He has known me since I was four he's like another protective older brother," I replied with a smile.
"Oh I see so your single," he asked with a smirk.
Then a girl walked straight up to Dante and smacked his cheek.
"Oww Katelyn!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his cheek.
"Why are you pestering the new girl!" She yells at him.
"Because I wanted to get to know her!" He exclaimed.
The girl turned towards me. She was really pretty. She was tall and was sort of pale. She had light blue hair and light blue eyes. She smiled at me.
"Sorry about Dante. He can be a flirt. I'm Katelyn," she says holding her hand out.
I move my opposite arm to shake hers.
"You couldn't have just done that with Dante," Laurence mumbled into my side.
"Shut it Laurence," I reply shaking her hand.
"What's going on here?" She questioned.
"We are very close friends. He has known me since I was four. He's like another older protective brother," I reply with a smile as I patted his hair.
"Not the hair y/n!" He exclaimed, swatting my hand away.
I giggled at his childish behavior. Then the bell rang.
"Hey do one of you have," I paused and glanced down at my schedule.
"English. Are any of you going to English?" I asked.
"I don't. I have Geography," Laurence replied as he got up from his spot and over to his desk to grab his books.
"Ummm I have biology," Dante replies as he slide off my desk to go grab his books.
"What about you Katelyn?" I asked.
"Yeah I have English. I can walk with you if you would like," she replies with a smile as she grabbed her books.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my books.
We started to walk towards the door when I heard Laurence yell,"bye shortie."
I smiled and yelled,"bye Green Arrow! Bye Dante!"
"Bye foxy," I heard Dante reply.
"Dante I swear!" Laurence exclaimed.
Me and Katelyn started to laugh.
"Those two are a handful," she said.
"Yeah I can tell," I replied.
She laughed as we stopped at a classroom. She oppened the door to find only four people were present at the moment.
"Hey there is an extra seat behind me," Katelyn told me.
"Thanks," I told her as I sat my stuff down.
Then a boy walked over to me and Katelyn.
"Heyyyyyyy Katelyn," he said in a flirty tone.
All of a sudden Katelyn's hand flew across his face. His hand flew to his cheek as he gently rubbed it.
"Shut it Travis," Katelyn commanded.
"Katelyn won't you get in trouble for that?" I asked.
"No. None of the teachers here care," she replied.
"And who are you," the boy asked flirtatiously.
"Y/n," I replied with a smile.
He looked me up and down. Then he walked behind me for a second and then walked back in front of me.
"You have a nice butt," he said flirtatiously.
I smacked him across the face.
"I swear if someone else says something along those lines I will personally kill them with my bare hands," I exclaimed.
"What did Dante already approach you with that line," the boy asked.
"No! A different boy did. His name was Gene," I replied.
"What happened?" Katelyn asked.
"He tripped me on purpose. I fell to the ground and my books were scattered across the floor. I didn't notice but my skirt wasn't covering me when I fell. So he said,'nice view sweetheart'," I replied.
"That jerk. I'm going to kill him," Katelyn exclaimed.
"Ok I'm not disrespectful to girls. I wouldn't say anything like... that," the boy told me in disgust.
"That's nice to know. Also what's your name?" I asked.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Travis," he replies with a smile as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.
I blushed as I pulled my hand away. The bell rang for a second time telling us to sit down in our seats. Travis walked over to his seat while me and Katelyn sat down in our seats.
"Hello students today we will be writing a creative essay this week. You may chose your topic and it must be five pages long. Make sure you use MLA format and it's due at the end of the week but you can turn it in early!"the teacher says cheerfully.
She walked back to her desk as we all grabbed our laptops that we carry around with us. This should be easy.

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now