Ch.14 oh no!

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Hey guys I'm back!!!!! So here is chapter 14 and I hope you enjoy it. Just a little fun fact this is actually not the original version chapters 6 to the end of the book (which I will not give how many chapters there will be). The chapters have been tweaked so many times that you wouldn't believe the chapters before would have been posted. So yeah there is a little fun fact about my book. Anyways guys read on my little wolves!

Your pov

I walked in the house to see vylad asleep on the couch. I closed the door quietly and went into the kitchen. I opened one of the cabinets and reached up to grab a glass. When i pulled the glass out another glass cup fell on my arm and shattered against the counter making a loud crashing noise as glass shards went into my arm. I hissed in pain. I heard vylad start to stir from the leaving room.
"Who's there. N/n is that you," vylad asked walking into the kitchen.
"N/n," he yelled running over to me.
He stepped on a shard of glass. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. He opened them quickly pulling the shard out of his foot. He grabbed me by my good arm and brought me to the bathroom where the medicine cabinet was. He pulled out the shards of glass carefully trying not to cut himself or me anymore than i already was. When he was done he cleaned the blood off my arm. Then he quickly opened the cabinet and grabbed the alcohol. He poured some on my arm making tears well up in my eyes. He dabbed some of the alcohol away. He grabbed the gauze and started to wrap my arm. Once he was done he put everything away. He went to clean up the mess but i grabbed his arm.
"Vylad your foot," I replied looking at the trail of blood that followed us to the bathroom.
"I'll be fine," he replied trying to leave.
"No sit down," i replied standing up and pulling him to the seat.
He sat down as i got a cloth. I wiped the blood off then i grabbed alcohol. I poured the alcohol on the wound. He tensed up. I dabbed a cloth on it then soaked up the extra liquid with the cloth. I grabed the gauze and wrapped his foot then put everything away. He got up carefully and walked towards the kitchen. I followed him grabbing the broom on the way. He started to pick up the pieces off the counter while i swept the floor. He grabbed the dustpan and i swept the glass in the dustpan. He threw the glass away and walked into the living room. I poured some water into my cup that i had gotten out. I walked into the living room and sat next to vylad. He wrapped both arms around me pulling me close towards him.
"I'm sorry Vylad. I probably scared you," i said laying my head on his chest.
"You did. At first i thought you were a intruder. Then when i saw your hair I knew it was you. I got scared when i saw your arm completely covered in your blood," he replied stroking my hair.
"I'm sorry," i replied starting to cry.
"No need to apologize sunshine. You are tired and need rest from today," vylad replied calming me down.
"Vylad," i asked looking up at him.
"Yes," he asked looking down at me.
"Why did zane call me his little princess," i asked.
He tensed up gripping my arms. He calmed down loosening his grip.
"He called you his little princess because you are suppose to be the princess of O'kasis along with Zane being prince of O'kasis. Father had a husband ready for you to marry along with a wife for Zane. You and him are suppose to rule O'kasis," he replied looking away.
"What's wrong," i asked.
He looked at me and said,"i was part of that plan."
He started to cry into my shoulder.
"You hate me i know you do," he said as his voice muffled from crying.
I turned around and wiped his tears away.
"No I don't. I never would," i replied embracing him in a hug.
"Why? I was suppose to turn you in if i found you," he replied as tears still streamed down his face.
"Because you didn't turn me in you helped me. Plus your my brother," i replied wiping his tears away again.
He hugged me. I rubbed his back to get him to stop crying. He finally stopped crying. I turned around and laid my head back on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and started to doze off. I fell asleep in his arms. As i did he fell asleep as well.

Time-skip to the morning

In my dream i was attacking Zane. I started to growl in my sleep which made Vylad wake up.
"Garroth," he yelled.
I heard running down the stairs Vylad pinned me to the ground.
"What Vyl-," garroth cut himself off once he saw the scene that was happening in front of him.
"Vylad what the heck! Get off of me," I yelled trying to push him off.
"You have no right to know my name," he yelled.
"Vylad it's me y/n. Can't you notice by my features!" I yelled.
"Oh really so my sister has ears, a tail, claws, and fangs! I'd love to believe that one," he yelled.
I stayed quiet as i looked over at Garroth mouthing the words, help me!
"Vylad let her go," garroth says sternly as he walked towards him.
"Garroth are you serious! What has gotten into you! This isn't y/n!" Vylad yelled.
"Yes she is. She is part wolf from her father. Her father isn't the same father that we know is yours. Her father was part wolf! Now let her go!" Garroth yelled.
Vylad was shocked. He let me go. He backed away from me. A tear streamed down his face. I got up and hugged him.
"I'm the worst brother ever," he kept repeating into my shoulder as his tears fell to the ground.
"No your not," I replied rubbing his back.
"Yes i am," he replied still crying.
"No your not," i replied rocking him back and forth while we stood hugging.
He didn't respond he just kept crying.
"Come here," i told him as i walked backwards sitting on the couch. He followed and he laid on my lap. He kept crying into my chest as he curled up into a little ball on my lap. I started to sing a song that mother would sing to me and garroth when we were unhappy or hurt.

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now