Ch. 19 Hide and seek

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Chapter 19 is out guys. Hope you enjoy it. Now read on!

1 week later...

Your pov

"Garroth please," I begged him as I jumped up and down.
"Why should we play hide and go seek," he asked as he walked to the kitchen to get a cup of water.
"Because we always had fun! Plus everyone can play!" I replied with a childish smile on my face.
"Hmmmm I guess," he said shooting a smile towards me.
"Yay!" I celebrated.
I grabbed garroth arm and raced out the door to tell everyone.


Everyone started to run off as garroth started to the countdown till the search. I ran towards a big oak tree and dug my claws into the bark to start climbing. I reached the midsection of the tree is. It was the best part because it was completely covered in greenery.
Garroth then yelled,"ready or not here I come!"
I heard his feet taken him towards my way. I looked around to see garroth slowly come towards a bush. Garroth pulled someone out of the bush.
"Really garroth!" Thalia yelled.
He chuckled and placed her down on the ground. They both ran off in the opposite direction that I was in.
"This will be a piece of cake," I muttered to myself as I leaned against the tree.

Time skip...

I heard Laurence yell at thalia for finding him and chuckled to myself. Me and Aaron were the last two hiding. I can see that. Aaron is always good at hiding and I've always been the queen at this game. Then I heard Aaron start yelling at dante. Then I started hearing voices walk my way.
"I know where she is just give me a minute," dante told everyone who was following him.
Knowing him he probably does know where I am. He has like some type of radar on me. He can navigate me where ever I am.
"Sure you will dante, shes the queen at this game just give up," Vylad told him leaning on the tree I'm in.
"He has a point and I think we would know that. I mean she is our sister," garroth remarked.
"Yup she's the best at this game," thalia said.
"Oh shut your traps," dante said, his voice getting closer towards me.
"Shoot," I muttered trying to climb the tree, to find out there is no where else for me to go.
"N/n I know your up here," dante said in a sing song voice.
He was only a couple of branches below me.
I turned around and walked a little bit towards the thin part of the branch. Then I heard the creaking of the branch and arms wrap around me. I jumped a little then relaxed.
"Found you," he whispered into my ear as he gently bite my ear.
I giggled and swayed back and forth. Then I heard something start to crack.
"What was that," I asked a little scared.
Then all of a sudden the branch broke from beneath our feet. I screamed in terror as I tried to grab ahold of something. Then we came to a sudden halt. Dantes grip had tightened around my waist. I looked up to see him gripping onto a branch. His knuckles turned white from gripping on the branch so hard.
"I won't let you fall," he said trying to pull us up onto the branch but couldn't.
"I won't drop you," he said as he tried to pull us up again but couldn't.
I looked down to see the boys in a square shape.
"Dante let her go!" Laurence yelled.
"No you crazy lunatic!" He yelled as a reply as he started to pull us up again.
I started to feel myself slip from his grip. I grabbed onto his shirt trying to keep me in his grip. He got his elbow on the branch. He kept pulling us up until he had his shoulder on the branch. He lifted me up onto the branch. I grabbed on and sat on the branch. He hoisted himself up on the branch and pulled me close to him.
"You're safe now. Now we need to go," he said giving me a peck on the forehead then stood up.
He held his hand out for me to grab. I gripped his hand and he pulled me up. We both steadily walked to the middle of the tree, both gripping each others hands. We made it to the middle and he let go of my hand and started to climb down the tree. I followed him and we both ended up being at the bottom. Everyone ran over to us.
"Y/n! Are you ok!" Vylad yelled running over to me and examining me.
"Just a few cuts ok. I'm fine," i told him i reply as he grazed his finger across the newly made cut on my cheek.
"I made sure she was safe vylad," dante told him with a smile.
Vylad gave him a gentle smile back and told him,"I'm glad she has a boyfriend like you."
I smiled at my brother then at my amazing boyfriend.
"Hey guys where are the girls?" I asked out of confusion looking around for them.
"What do you mean my princess," I heard someone say with a low chuckle.
I jerked myself around knowing who's voice that was.
"Whats wrong y/n," dante asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
I jerked my shoulder away from his touch.
"Oh come on my little princess you can't keep running away like you always do," I heard him say with another low chuckle.
"He's here," I said as I grabbed my katanas ready to fight.

Anyways there is chapter 19. Thank you all for all the support. I will hopefully update tomorrow. Also you will know tomorrow when the book will be ending. Thank you! Keep howling my little wolves! Love you all!

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