Ch.12 what the heck!

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Your pov

Me and Garroth were running to the spot where we would meet up with the fighters. Everyone was there on time just as we arrived. I ran into Dante's arms, clinging to him. I didn't want to forget about him. Dante gave Garroth a face that said, what happened to her.

"We both had the same dream," he said.

They all just stared at him.

"Here I'll explain it, Travis was talking to a girl and got punched in the face. Y/n and Dante ran to help him. Then she grabbed the girl. The girl elbowed annabeth in the stomach. Dante grabbed her and y/n started walking over to them once she got back up. Travis grabbed y/n and pulled her away. Then he said he was a demon warlock. He wouldn't let her go so Dante tried to pry her from travis' grip. Laurence came over and helped Dante pull her out of travis' grip. I grabbed travis while Laurence made sure she was safe in Dante's arms. She then noticed that me and Laurence were going to kill travis. She ran out if Dante's arms and tried to stop me and Laurence. I grabbed her arm and threw her. Then she woke up a few minutes later but she didn't remember any of us," he finished.

"That's crazy cause i had the same dream," Dante replied as the others nodded.

A tear rolled down my cheek and landed on Dante's hand. He noticed and started to stroke my lime green hair. Someone pulled me so I tightened my grip around Dante. They kept pulling me. I got so mad that I turned around, scratched them on the arm. Then I looked at my hands. I had grown claws, fangs, ears, and a tail. I had turned into my wolf self.

"Y/n... your... a... wolf," Dante said in a scared tone.

I started to cry backing away from everyone. I noticed ruea kneeled down next to garroth treating his wounds crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," i said knowing i was scaring everyone. Someone put a hand on my shoulder. Then I fainted into Dante's arms.

?????'s pov

Well at least I don't have to worry about wasting that me'fwa potion. Now Michi can have dante to herself. Hehehehe.

Dante's pov

So many things were running threw my head like Y/n's a wolf, everyone had the same dream... then Y/n fell in my arms. I picked her up bridal style and kissed her on the head.

I was rocking y/n back and forth when a mef'wa with light purple hair came by and said,"hello there cutie."

Laurence had his sword to the mef'wa's throat in seconds.

"I know that voice anywhere," he said giving her the evil eye.

"What Laurence-kun miss me," she said with a smirk.

"Dante may I hold her," Amble asked.

I nodded and handed Y/n to Amble. Michi came close to my face. She had me pinned to a wall. Then she KISSED ME! As Michi did Y/n woke up and saw us. She jumped out of Amble's grasp and ran into the forest with her face already stained with tears.

"Looks like someone's jealous,"she said with a smirk.

"Laurence," I yelled.

He understood and pried Michi off of me. Amble payed no attention to us and ran after y/n since garroth wasn't conscious to chase her.

Amble's pov

I ran after y/n. I knew she felt so many emotions. I knew exactly how she felt. I heard a branch rustle as she moved her weight on the branch. She was in the oak tree above me.

"Y/n come down," I yelled,"or do I have to come get you."

"Y/n is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep. Beep," she yelled jumping to another tree trying to trick me.

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now