Ch.13 who are you?

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Hey guys I'm back with a chapter!!! Now I updated a few of my chapters yesterday and today. Now the reason updates were so slow is because all the chapter were already typed on my iPad that's for school. Well they kinda restricted wattpad on our iPads so I had to transfer all my chapters to my phone. I'm sorry about the slow updates. Anyways read on readers!

Your pov

I woke to someone knocking on the front door. I opened it and saw a boy that was older than me, but younger than garroth. He had black hair and something around his face, but all I noticed was his ice blue eyes piercing into my brown eyes.
"Hello sister," he said pushing some of my h/c hair out of my face.
I heard steps come down the stairs. It was garroth.
"Y/n listen to me. I need you to back away from him now," he said.
I did as i was told.
"Zane what are you doing here," he said.

Garroth's pov

"Zane what are you doing here," i said trying to protect my little sister from our evil brother.
"Oh... i was just here for my little princess," he said looking at y/n.
"She is not your little princess and she never will be!" I yelled at zane.
"Of course she is! How is she not?" He said giving me a sly smirk.
"Well lets start off with the part where our father disowned her. Yes maybe he didn't disown Vylad because of mom getting raped but he didn't want a girl in the family. Then when he found out about thalia he was furious. He kicked mom out of the house along with annabeth and thalia. Since he disowned both of his daughter I stated that i would not live him if he disowned them. He did anyways. So i left with mom and y/n. Thalia had ran away not wanting to see her father ever again. Then by the time i was 15 and annabeth was 12 dads guards came down, took mom and us, and brutally killed her in front of us. I ran away with y/n to protect her and keep her safe. That left me to help provide for my little sister." I replied to him looking at his face become completely shocked from me saying all that in front of N/n.
"Garroth what is he doing here. Why does he want to take me," y/n asked through gritted teeth as she clutched her knife.
"N/n don't make any sudden movements," i replied to her as I grabbed her arm and pulling it down before she harmed at zane.
"Well," zane said pulling out his sword with another sly grin plastered on his face,"I guess I'll just have to take her away from you."
He went to strike my chest when I pulled out my sword and clashed it with his blocking his attack. He took a few more tries from different angles but i blocked every one of his movements. I struck his arm making him fall to the ground in pain from how deep it went in.
"Y/n run!" I yelled at her.
"No I won't leave you here with him," she replied pulling her two katana's out.
"I don't care if I die or not y/n the important thing is for you to get out of here alive not me," i yelled on the verge of tears clashing swords with zane.
"Fine... but you better make it out of here alive," she replied running out the door putting her katana's on her back in their hostler.
The last thing i saw of her was her long h/c hair as i got struck in the knee by zane and falling to the ground in pain.

Your pov

I was running as fast as I could to Dante's when I ran into someone. He had fallen on top of me. He looked like Malachi but he wasn't.
"I'm so sorry," he said getting off of me and pulling me back to my feet.
"It's fine i should have been watching where i was going," I replied starting to walk away.
"Y/n... y/n is that you," he asked.
I stoped in my tracts and asked,"who wants to know."
He turned me around and pulled my hood off from around my face. I had put my cloak on cause it was cold. When he saw my e/c eyes and my h/c hair his eyes widened.
"It is you. I've missed you so much y/n," he said embracing me in a hug.
"Who are you," I asked short of scared.
"I'm your brother... Vylad," he said letting me go.
"Oh come on I have three brothers," i said in shock.
He chuckled saying,"I guess you've met Zane."
I giggled saying,"yeah um well i gotta go."
I started to walk away when Vylad grabbed my arm.
"Wait y/n can i come with you," he asked not letting go of my arm.
"I guess but if you try to hurt me in anyway possible there will be blood shed," i replied to him.
He looked shocked while saying,"if I wanted to hurt you i would have done it the first time i saw your e/c eyes."
I smiled and then grabbed his hand leading him to Dante's house at a quick pace.
"Your not overprotective are you," i asked.
"Depends," he replied raising one of his eyebrows.
"Great," i said sarcastically as i started knocking on the front door.

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now