ch.5 Just me and him

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Your pov

I was laying on my comfy bed reading a book when my ringer went off, alerting me that someone was calling me. I answered it.
"Hello?" I asked questionably.
"Hey foxy it's Dante," the other replied over the phone.
"Oh hey what's up," I replied with a smile.
"You wanna go to the beach?" He asked.
"Sure!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of my bed.
"Alright I'll come by in a little bit," he said before hanging up.
I threw my phone on my bed and ran to my dresser. I opened the drawer and found a cute on piece (picture at the top!). It was f/c with fringes at the the top of the outfit. It was sort of see through in the middle of the bathing suit but it was cute. I put it on and went to my closet I found a loose tank top and found a cute pair of shorts. I put them on and walked down stairs and slide my flip flops on.
"Garroth I'm going somewhere with Dante!" I yell.
"Alright just be home by four!" He yelled back.
Then someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw Dante standing there in swim trunks and a tank on.
"Come on y/n," he said with a smile.
"Alright," I replied as I walked out the door and shut it.
We started to walk down the street.
"Why did you want to go to the beach?" I asked with a smile as a few cars passed us.
"I wanted to spend some time with you," he replied with a smile as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. Then I heard a camera go off. I stopped and looked around.
"What's wrong n/n?" Dante asked looking at me with concern.
"Yeah I'm good," I replied as I continued to walk with him.
He placed his arm around me again. I smiled as we made our way to the beach. We started walking along the beach. Surprisingly there were not a lot of people there. I grabbed Dante's hand and started to swing our now intertwined hands as we walked. He smiled at me.
"Let's go in the water" I said with excitement.
"Alright," he replied with a smile.
We set our towels down and I took of my tank top and shorts and set it on my towel. Dante took off his tank and threw it on his towel. He looked at me and it looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his skull. I quickly wrap my arms around my body feeling insecure.
"Why are you covering yourself," Dante asked as he grabbed my arms.
"Sorry... I didn't think you liked the way I looked," I replied letting him pull my arms away.
"No you look beautiful y/n," he replied with a smile.
I smiled back at him.
"Last one in is a rotten egg!" I yell and sprinted for the ocean.
Dante runs after me but he's to late. I'm already in the water. I laugh. I then feel water splash against my body. I looked at Dante to see his mischievous smirk. I splashed him back. We continued for about five minutes. Once we stopped he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I love you so much annabeth," he said with a smile as he gave me a sweet kiss.
Me and Dante were walking home when both of our phone went off. Dante ignored his, but I took mine out thinking it was garroth. To my surprise it was a post from Instagram that I was tagged in. I opened my phone to check the picture. I felt Dante's arm snake around my waist. I looked at the picture to see a picture of me and Dante. It was taken from behind us when we were walking to the beach. It showed Dante with his arm around his waist with me leaning into him. I smiled at it.
"What is it," Dante asked as he peered over my shoulder.
I looked up at him and saw him smiling. I liked the picture and screenshot it. I looked at the comment which said:

Saw these two cuties @y/n_loves_you and @thereisonlyondante walking down the street and couldn't resist taking a picture of them. They are the cutest couple I have ever seen!

I smiled. Then my phone went off again. I tapped the notification and it brought me to a different picture by the same girl. This picture showed me and Dante kissing after our water fight. He had his arms around me my waist and my arms around his neck. My hair was flowing through the wind as well as his hair. And to tie it all together a small wave was crashing into our legs making the picture even more magical. Dante then peered over at my phone again and smiled again as he squeezed my side. I liked that picture as well and screenshot it. I looked at the comment which said:

These two are so sweet. They truly love each other. I wish I could have a relationship like theirs. They are so lucky to have each other! @y/n_loves_you @thereisonlyonedante

I smiled. Then Dante said something to me.
"You better send those pictures to me," he said as he kissed my cheek.
"I will love," I replied as I sent both of them to him.
Once I sent them to him I put the one of me and him kissing as my lock-screen and the one of him holding my waist as my home-screen. I put my phone in my back pocket and kissed his cheek.
"I love you so much y/n," Dante said to me as he squeezed my side.
I smiled.

I hope you enjoyed this cute filler chapter! I wanted to make a lovey dovey seen with you and Dante. Anyways I love you my little wolves!

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now