Ch.2 His mother and sister

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Your pov

Me and Dante walked out and approached Garroth.
"Hey Garroth!" I yelled towards him as I jogged up to him.
He looked up from his phone and waited for me to ask the question.
"Can I go over to Dante to talk to his mom about Gene?" I asked him.
Garroth looked over towards Dante then back at me.
"Alright. Dante I'm trusting you to keep her safe from your brother," he told him.
Dante nodded. I walked over towards Dante and stood next to him.
"Come home no later then five y/n," Garroth told me as he started walking to our house.
"Alright dad!" I yelled back.
I heard Garroth chuckle as he walked away to our house. Dante grabbed my hand and started to walk in a different direction.
"Your mom doesn't pick you up?" I asked him.
"No. She said once we hit high school you start walking home," he told me.
We started to walk towards a bunch of high school boys who were getting drunk. I gripped Dante's arm and moved a little closer to his side. He saw how uncomfortable I was walking towards them so he placed his arm around my waist pulling me closer. As we walked past one of the boys slapped my butt which made me jump. Another tried to grab me. Another did a cat whistle and started to clap. He went to slap my butt when I smacked his hand away.
"Wow! She's f-fiesty," he slurred.
"Keep your hands off me," I told him.
"Fiesty!" Another guy said.
"Let me slap that!" Another yelled walking towards me.
I started to shake in Dante's arms. That made him snap.
"Hands off my girl!" He yelled pulling me closer to him.
"Oh your funny boy," the guy slurred.
"D-Dante can we go," I stuttered out.
He nodded and started to walk away.
"Why don't you fight for your girl!" The guy yelled.
Dante ignored him and gripped my waist tighter. We continued to walk and finally made it to his house. We walked in to his house. It was really nice and big. Very spacious. I noticed his mother sitting in the dining room going through bills. She looked up at us and smiled.
"Well I see your home Dante. I see you brought a girl," she says as she stood up and walked over to us.
He nodded as his mother got closer. She noticed the hand mark on Dante's cheek and his black eye along with his busted lip and scratches on his neck.
"Dante you got into another fight!" She yelled.
"Excuse me but Dante didn't want to get into a fight," I tell her calmly.
Dante stayed quiet.
She looked over at me and saw nail marks on my neck and scratches along my shoulder.
"Dante did you assault this girl!" She yelled at him.
"Actually no, he didn't do this so stop making assumptions. Gene did. Dante heard me scream as well as the rest of my friends and came to help me. Dante got mad at Gene because he was assaulting me. He told Gene to stop, but he wouldn't. So Dante tackled him. That's where he got the red cheek and the bruised eye from," I told her.
"I don't believe you," she bluntly told me.
"Why?" I questioned her.
"Because he always gets into fights. That's what Gene always told me," she told me.
Then I heard two notifications go off. Me and Dante looked at each other and pulled out our phones. I had a notification from someone who goes to the school that I didn't know. I opened my phone and looked at the post. It was a video of Gene beating me. I almost started to cry. I looked at the caption which said:

The punk @genetheking was seen assaulting new girl @y/n_loves_you! Captain of the soccer team and baseball player @theresonlyonedante rushs to help the new girl. The new kids brother @garroth._.lives , captian of the baseball team and soccer player @laurencethecasanova , the captain of the theater club @travisisyourboi , captain of the girls volleyball team @katelyn_leads , and alpha of the werewolves @aphmau._.smiles rushs to the new girls side!

"Well I have proof Gene did it," I tell her as I turn my phone to her.
She takes my phone and looks at it carefully. I turn to Dante and lay my head on his chest and start to cry. He pulls me close and lays his head on mine.
"It's ok," he whispers to me as he played with my hair.
"Oh my gosh," I hear his mom gasp.
She hands my phone back and I take it. Right as I take it Gene walks through the door. I look over at him and hide behind Dante. His mom just stares at him.
"What," he bluntly asks with a hiccup coming after.
"I want all your electronics now and you are grounded for a month!" She yells at him.
"What the heck did I do," he yelled back.
Dante pulled out his phone and showed him the video that was posted on instagram.
"You really think that's real mom," he asked her a little afraid of her answer.
"Do I need to call everyone over here for even more proof that you clearly did it, or is there no need for that?," I asked him, coming out from behind Dante, pulling out my phone and going to my contacts.
"Why the heck are you here," he growls walking over to me.
"Gene!" His mother yelled.
He didn't listen. He kept walking towards me.
"Gene stop!" Dante yelled pulling me behind him.
"Why should you tell me what to do," he asked Dante getting closer to him.
Dante stood his ground.
"Why should you have to assault a young lady like y/n to be noticed," he yelled back.
Gene tackled Dante and started to punch him. Dante tried to push him off, but Gene was to strong.
"Dante!" Me and his mother yelled.
We both ran over and pulled Gene off of him.
"Oh so you want to play too," he asked as he jumped onto me.
My back slammed against the floor. His body slammed down on mine causing me to have shortness of breath. I yelled in pain with all his weight on my body as he tried to slap me.
"Y/n!" Dante yelled, running over to me and grabbing Gene's arm so he couldn't hit me. I held my arms over my face as Dante pushed Gene off of me.
"Gene stop," his mother said in a calm voice.
He looked at her for a moment. He let out a sigh and walked up stairs and went into his room. Dante pulled me up from the ground. I groaned from the pain my body was feeling. He pulled me close to him. Small tears started to run down my cheek and onto his chest. He rubbed my back gently.
"Dante you need to bring this young girl home and you need to stay with a friend. Gene is being to physical," she told him.
"What about you?" He asked.
"I'll be fine," she told him.
He nodded.
"Come on y/n," he said walking me out the door.
The pain my body was feeling was making it hard for me to walk. Dante noticed and stopped me.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Come here," he told me.
I walked over and he picked me up by my waist and wrapped his arms securely around my waist. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. I laid my head on his chest as he started walking to my house. We took a turn and my house came into sight. He walked up the driveway and Dante knocked on the door. Garroth answered it and looked at us with a shocked expression.
"What happened," he asked.
"I need a couch," Dante tells him.
Garroth let's him in and Dante runs into the living room. He lays me down and pulls my shirt up to where he can see my stomach. Garroth walked over and noticed my stomach.
"What the heck happened!" He yelled.
"Gene did this," Dante replied.
I had a giant bruise on my stomach from when his body slammed onto mine. It was purple, yellow, and greenish blue. Dante gently touched it with his cold fingers. Garroth came back with a ice pack and laid it on my stomach. I heard Garroth kneel down beside me. I searched for his hand. He noticed and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it.
"I got to go finish making dinner," Garroth told us as he gave my hand one last squeeze and a kiss on my forehead before vanishing into the kitchen.
I slowly started to sit up. Dante's eyes advanced towards me.
"Dante come here," I tell him sitting up all the way.
Be walks over to me. He stops in front of me. His stomach was in front of me. He went to kneel when I stopped him. He stood standing in front of me. I pulled his stirt up and was met with many brusies on his stomach. I rubbed my hand across his stomach gently. He hissed in pain. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled myself up off the couch and on the floor. I pulled his shirt over his head and looked at his chest. He had three bruises. I was about to check him for more when he grabbed his shirt and put it back on. I looked up into his eyes. He looked away.
"Dante what's wrong," I asked him.
He didn't respond.
"Dante let me see your back," I asked him.
He didn't respond. Then I heard a knock at the door. I looked at Dante then,walked to the door. I opened it to see a short girl who was my age standing in front of me. She had pink hair and pretty blue eyes.
"Hi," she said energetically.
"Hey umm who are you?" I asked.
"Oh I'm Dante's sister Ruea," she told me with a smile.
I felt a presence next to me.
"Hey Dante," I say to him.
"Hey," he said really quietly.
"Mom told me to come here cause Gene is out of hand right now," she told us.
I nodded and let her come in. I walked into the kitchen and next to Garroth.
"Yeah?" He questioned turning the stove off and walking to the toaster oven.
"Do we have extra for one more person?" I asked.
"Yup why?" He asked pulling garlic toast out of the toaster oven.
"Dante's sister is here," I told him.
He nodded understanding why. I started to walk out to th living room when I heard them talking. I stopped and hid behind the stairs.
"Why are you so shaken up Dante?" I heard Ruea say.
"She tried to look at my marks," he replied.


"Why?" She asked.
"Because when Gene beat me in front of her she worried and when she went to see the damage she saw a little to much which made her suspicious. Heck she probably still is," he replied.
"She can't know yet ok," she told him.
"But why?" He asked her.
"Because I don't want her thinking Gene is a bad person," she replies.

I already think he is. I mean he beat me today. Literally!

"She probably already does," he told her.
"Why? What happened that I don't know?" She asked him.
"He beat her today!" He yelled,"that's why we are staying here!"
"Oh...," she trailed off.
I decided to walk in.
"Hey dinner is almost ready," I tell them smiling.
They both nodded with a smile. But it was fake. I could tell. I use one all the time.
"Dinner!" Garroth yells.
"Come on," I say taking them towards the dining room.
Me and Garroth sat next to each other while Dante and Ruea sat on the other side. Garroth had made our families homemade spaghetti and gralic bread. The room was silent the whole time. It was actually quite scary. Like if you made one sound all hell would break loose. After dinner Ruea wanted to go to sleep. I showed her to one of our guests rooms. I showed Dante to the other guest room. Garroth was pretty tired but was trying to clean up the mess.
"Hey go and rest. I'll clean up the mess," I tell him with a smile.
"You sure?" He asked as he put down what was in his hands.
I nodded. He smiled and walked over to me. I gave him a hug and he hugged back. When he pulled away I kissed his cheek. He walked up the stairs and shut his door. I walked over to the table and brought the dishes into the kitchen. I set them on the counter. I washed them by hand and put them on a towel to dry. I turned off the light and walked up to my room. I changed into my pajamas which would be a tank top and some shorts. I walked down to the guest room that Dante was staying in. I knocked on it and I heard him say come in. I opened the door and walked into the room. He was wearing on of Garroth's tank tops and some basketball shorts. He was laying on the bed on his phone. I walked over and sat down on the bed making it dip slightly. He layed his phone down and looked at me. That's when I had noticed a scar on his cheek. It was small but I could notice it because of how observant I am. That's when I asked him the question thag had been bugging me.
"Dante, what did Gene do to you and Ruea?" I asked him looking straight into his eyes.

I hope all my little wolves enjoyed chapter two! Also ruea is my best friend Rueana_Paige_Black  's oc! Btw I love you so much Rueana_Paige_Black anyways I love you all my little wolves!

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