Ch11 the dream

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Travis's pov

So I was walking to school when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes right behind me.

"Yes," I said.

"Um excuse me but do you know where my sister is?" She asked.

"First what's your name and then maybe I'll answer your question you cute blue eyed chick," I said. Suddenly I was on the floor, my head pounding like crazy.

"Don't ever call me that again!' She yelled.

"What, are my good looks to good that you can't keep your hands to yourself," I said looking at her with a smirk.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

Your pov

Me and Dante bolted towards travis. I grabbed the girl and put her in a chock hold while Dante helped Travis up. The girl elbowed me in the stomach and I fell to the ground grabbing my stomach in pain as i got back up. Dante grabbed her. I walked towards her but Travis grabbed me.

"What are you doing!" I yelled as I stepped on his foot.

"It will take way more than that to get a demon warlock to stop," he replied.

"Your a what," Dante yelled as he let the girl go.

"You heard me," he said as his skin turned to gray, his eyes purple.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

He didn't let me go so Dante tried to pry me out of his grip on me. It was no use. Travis was stronger than Dante. Laurence and Garroth were standing by and saw the whole thing. Laurence turned to his shadow knight form and helped Dante pry me out of Travis' arms. Garroth grabbed Travis already in his jury of nine form. Once i was safe in Dante's arms Laurence walked back kver taking out his sword and putting at his throat. Travis struggled but couldn't get out of their grips. They were going to kill him. I ran out of Dante's arms and grabbed garroth's arm.

"Garroth stop!" I yelled as I tried to pull him away.

He turned around, staring directly in my eyes, grabbed my arm, and threw me. I hit a tree and blacked out.

Dante's pov

I ran over to her. She was knocked out cold.

"Garroth!" I yelled,"how could you do that to your own sister."

I most have hit a soft spot because he let Travis go and turned out of his jury of nine form. Laurence followed garrith's eyes and they landed on annabeth. He turned back and walked over to anna as a tear made it's way down his cheek. Garroth just stood there as tears streamed down his face. The rest of the group had shown up and ran to annabeth. Reua who was a nurse in training took over so I went over to Garroth.

"Garroth... I'm sorry," I told him.

"No it's not your it's mine. I went out of control like always," he replied as more tears streamed down his face.

"Dante, may I speak with you in private," my sister asked me.

"Sure," I replied following her.

"She hit her head really badly but other than that she's fine besides the few scratch marks and bruises," she told me.

"Ok thank you sis," I replied ruffling her hair.

Y/n started to stir. Then she opened her eyes and looked around at us.

"Y/n!" We all yelled.

She backed away from us until her back hit the tree that she had hit.

"What's wrong?" I asked her concern written all over my face.

"Get away from me you freaks! I don't even know y'all," she said.

I walked back a little tripping over a rock and fell flat on my back, my hands over my face. Tears streamed down my cheeks landing on the dirt as they fell off my cheeks moisturizing the dirt. Then...

Your pov

I woke up breathing heavily as beads of sweat dripped down from my forehead onto the puddle i was already laying in. Tears started streaming down my face into the puddle of sweat mixing my hot tears and beads of sweat. Garroth appeared in front of my door.

"What's wrong n/n," he asked coming in and sitting next to me on my bed.

A tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away as I laid down in his lap.

"I had the worst nightmare ever," I replied as my tears landed on his legs.

"Tell me all about it," he said calmly stroking my hair.

"Well, Travis was talking to a girl and got punched in the face. Me and Dante ran to help him. Then I grabbed her and she elbowed me in the stomach. Dante grabbed her and i started walking over to them once i got back up. Travis grabbed me and pulled me away. Then he said he was a demon warlock. He wouldn't let me go so Dante tried to pry me from his grip. Laurence came over and helped Dante pull me out of his grip. You grabbed travis while Laurence made sure i was safe in Dante's arms. I then noticed that you were going to kill travis. I ran out if Dante's arms and tried to stop you. You grabbed my arm and threw me. Then I woke up a few minutes later but I didn't know any of you," I said as streams of tears rolled down my cheeks.

Garroth was completely spoked for some reason and fell off my bed.

"What? i know I'm weird but i didn't think I was that weird," I said looking over the side of my bed.

"I had the same dream!" He said looking into my brown watery orbs as tears leaked out of his light blue ones.

I updated again today!!!!! I hope y'all are proud me! Im so happy! I updated again! Ok ok im good. Anyways guys i hope you like the chapter. Thanks guys! You support me so much and make me want to write! Thanks! Have a wonderful evening/night. Keep howling my little wolves!

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