Ch. 20 the agreement

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Let's jump straight into the chapter everyone! Hey and also go check out my friends page creepypataismything she is making some books based on creepypasta so if you like creepypasta go check her out!

Your pov

"You don't mean him," dante asked taking out his katanas.
"Yes I do," I reply.
"Everyone weapons out," dante commanded.
Laurence took out his emerald greatsword, garroth took out his diamond sword and shield combo, vylad took out his bow and arrows, aaron took out his demonic broadsword, jax took out his bow and arrows, amble took out his katanas, travis took out is crimson red broadsword, and katelyn took out her flame resistant gauntlets.
"Come out... brother," I said with venom in my voice.
"Finally. Goodness me I thought I was going to have to come out without permission," he says with a sly grin on his face.
"I wonder why you didn't i mean you do normally come and attack me without permission so whats the difference," i reply as bitterness pours out in every word.
"Oh come on princess I do not," he replied as he went to graze his fingers across my cheek.
Before his finger came in contact with my skin dante had his sword up to his neck.
"Don't touch her," he growled.
Zane retracted his arm and brought it to his side.
"She is my sister dante and future ruler of O'kasis. She's to precious to me to harm her," he said to dante.
I bursted out in laughter.
"You wouldn't harm me! Yeah right you almost killed me!" I yelled still laughing.
Zane looked at me in shock.
"Wait where are the girls. I know you took them Zane," I said to him as I pulled one of my katanas towards his neck.
"Now don't get fiesty princess. You wouldn't kill your brother now would you," he told me with a smirk.
"Try me," I spat towards him as I pushed the blade more on his neck.
He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden I was pulled back by two O'kasis guards.
"Hey let me go!" I yelled trying to pull out of there grips.
Dante and garroth started to run over to me but a bunch of O'kasis guards ran towards all of us. Dante and garroth made it towards me but were quickly caught by the O'kasis guards including everyone else. Everyone was unarmed including me. Zane walked over to me. I looked down at the ground. Zane brought his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. I looked at him in pure anger.
"Now now princess no need for that expression. Your to pretty to be mad," he told me with a smirk.
"Your saying that to a woman who is trying to protect her people," i replied.
"So your the lord of the village," he asked coming close to my face.
"If that's what it looks like then I guess," I answered.
"Then you wouldn't your precious people to get hurt now would you," he asked me as he rubbed my cheek with his other hand.
I jerked my head away from his hand and replied with,"where is this going."
"Guards bring them out!" Zane yelled walking away from me.
His guards brought out ruea, thalia, laura, emily, and aphmau.
"Girls!" I yelled trying to pull myself out of their grip on me to getti them.
"Zane let them go!" I yelled.
"Only on one condition," he said coming towards me.
"Anything for them," i replied.
"You come back to O'kasis with me and become the princess," he answered eyeing my facial features .
"No please Zane anything but that!" I begged.
"Nope and if you don't agree then I will start hurting your girls until they die right in front of your eyes!" He yelled going over to ruea.
"Please don't!" I yelled.
He grabbed her arm and brought his sword towards it.
"Don't touch her!" Dante yelled trying to get to his baby sister but couldn't get out of the guards grip.
"Do you agree yet y/n," he asked as he started to slice into her flesh.
She screamed in pain.
"Please Zane there must be another way please!" I asked as a tear ran down my cheek.
He let her arm fall back to her side. He walked over to thalia and places his sword above her shoulder blade.
"You wouldn't hurt your own blood Zane!" Garroth yelled trying to get to thalia.
"Zane I swear!" Vylad yelled also trying to reach thalia.
"I'd like to beg to differ garroth," Zane said with venom in his as he dug his sword into thalias shoulder blade.
"NO THALIA!" I yelled as tears started to stream down my cheeks as I heard thalias ear piercing screams.
I looked over towards garroth and vylad to see tears going down their cheeks. Dante already had a tearstained face as he stared at rueas arm. He started to walk over towards laura.
"Please Zane stop! Please," I begged and pleaded.
"Do you agree," he asked as he brought his sword to lauras side.
I growled as i tried to pull out of the guards arms again.
"You know your just being selfish y/n," he told me as he started to push his sword into lauras side.
I started to cry as laura screamed.
"You would let your own people suffer just so you don't have to become the princess of O'kasis," he told me as he pulled out his sword from lauras flesh and walked over to emily.
I started to cry even more as he pierced emilys leg with his sword then pulling it out slowly from her flesh.
"Stop please," i begged as I fell to my knees.
I felt vulnerable, weak, helpless.
"Your the only one who can stop this y/n," he told me as he walked over to aphmau and slashed his sword at her making her fall in pain.
I could her aaron cursing zane out.
"STOP THIS NONSENSE! I will go with you Zane," i told him.
"That's what I wanted to hear," he purred as he walked over towards me.
"Y/N NO PLEASE DONT DO THAT!" Dante yelled as he started to bawl his eyes out as he tried to get out of the guards grips.
"Dante it's for the best everyone will be happy. Zane please just give the girls back and take me," i asked him.
"Fine by me," he replied as he let his guards release them.
Laura and ruea helped emily up so she could walk and thalia helped aphmau up. Zane grabbed my arm from the guards and started to walk away.
"Guards lets go," he commanded as they all started to walk away.
"NO I WONT LET YOU TAKE HER!" I heard dante yell as he tried to run but couldn't because he was tied up as well as all the others.
"Oh don't worry we will be back for all of y'all so you can witness her amazing wedding with her new husband!" He yelled walking off.
"Dante I love you!" I yelled as Zane pulled me away from dantes view.

Dantes pov

"I love you too!" I yelled as i started to sob.
She's gone. My beautiful girl is gone. The girls started walking over to us.
"Emily use your claws," jax told her.
She nodded and started to cut the ropes. Finally the bounds of the ropes were gone. We all stood up and looked at each other.
"We need to go back to the village," i tell them.
"No not without my sister!" Garroth yells walking in the direction of where they went.
"No garroth we need to help the girls. They need medical attention and rest," i tell him as I turned towards him.
"But...," garroth started but was interrupted by Laurence saying,"he's right garroth. I treat y/n as my baby sister even though she isn't. I know it's painful but in order to save her we need to rest, get the girls some medical supplies, and get our weapons and armor. Don't worry garroth I know how it feels to have your sister taken away. CJ was taken from my grasp remember."
Garroth nodded.
"Ok then we go and head back to the village," i say as we start to walk off.
Then amble and jax both stopped.
"Whats wrong," i asked.
Amble and jax walked over to a bush and pulled out a girl who was hiding. She had pink ombré hair, gray eyes, and meif'wa. Her ears and tail were both purple.
"Please don't hurt me," she squeaked.
Laurence dropped his sword and said,"CJ!"
The girl looked up and gasped.
"Brother," was all she said.

Alright sooooooo there's chapter 20. And I have and announcement everyone... this is the finale of the book. This is the end of the first book... I'm sorry.... BUT there will be a second and third book... I will update when I have published the second book on here. Thank you everyone who has stayed with me the whole way and to end this book I tell you all to keep howling my little wolves! Love you all so much!

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now