Ch.8 will you go to the halloween dance with me??

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Hey guys I'm back. Ok so I'm doing many pov changes in this chapter. The first five povs will be the same time. After those povs they are no longer the same povs ok. The only thing you need to know right now is if the words are in italics it means your thoughts such as like this...

I'm hungry.

Ok k now read on

Your pov

Me and Reua were walking together since the boys had something 'urgent' to do. The other girls were already at school.

"So Reua you know the Halloween dance is coming up right, wink wink nudge nudge," I said with a smirk nudging her arm.

She blushed a bright crimson red.

"Yea and there's one person in particular who I really want to go with," she said.

My eyes widened.

"Who," I begged her.

"You won't tell him will you,"she said a little nervous.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, and stick a cupcake in my eye (my little pony reference anyone? No? Ok i go back to hiding in box)," I said.

"Fine I want," she paused a moment,"Garroth to ask me to the dance."

I think I almost fainted.

"MY BROTHER!!!!" I yelled.

"Yep," she replied.

"Hey does anyone else see that bright light," i said pointing at nothing as i fell to the ground, but felt Ruea grab me.

"Really y/n really," she said pulling me along the sidewalk to school.


I was walking towards my locker to start packing up when i saw a red rose attached to it. I took off the tape and held it while i opened my locker. I opened my locker to see a note fly out. I grabbed it in midair and opened it. It said...

"Hey girlie! This is going to be a little scavenger hunt. Now to start you off easy where is thalia's favorite hideout? Also i hope you like the rose"

That's easy it's the library. I'm pretty sure I'm the one who knows my sister best.

I walked down two flights of stairs and through the two big double doors. I walked around and saw a note at her spot where she always sits with another red rose. I picked up the rose and the note and it said...

"Yay! You found it. Now the next one is where does laurence and garroth go for practice?"

To easy! It's the field.

I ran outside and onto the field to see laurences soccer ball that they use during practice. I ran up to it and picked it up. A note was taped onto it along with another red rose. It read...

"Good you found this one! Now where does emily go with her guitar and to play the piano? P.S. bring Laurences soocer ball plz and thank you"

Whyyyyyyyyyy! This person is so vicious. They are making me go up four flights of stairs! Ughhhhhh! Well lets just get this over with. To the music room!

I ran to the building and started my journey up four flights of stairs.


"*pants* oh *pants* my *pants* irene *pants* whyyyyyy!" I yelled thourgh my loss of breath.

I looked around the music room and saw a note on the piano with another rose. I grabbed it and the rose and it said...

"Great this is the last one. This is the easiest. Go to your favorite classroom and on your desk is the last note."

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now