Ch.6 I found you sister

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Your POV

I was late. My alarm didn't go off nor my backup alarm. Now me and my brother are rushing to get out of the house.
"Garroth lets go!" I yell, quickly grabbing my book-bag.
He ran out of the kitchen and towards me. He grabbed his bag and we both ran out the door in a rush. We ran as fast as possible to the school. Once we were inside we rushed to our lockers. Of course me being the clumsy one I ran into Laurence's locker door and fell on my butt.
"Owww," I groaned as I rubbed my head.
"Robin are you ok!" Laurence asks kneeling down next to me.
"Yup.... I'm great," I reply as sarcasm oozes out of my mouth.
Laurence pulls me up. He inspects me to make sure I'm ok.
"Laurence I'm ok," I laugh as I swat his hand away from my head.
I open my locker and start to pull out my books. I felt tap on my shoulder. I peeked back for a moment and saw a girl standing there. I closed my locker and turned to the ground.
"Hmm," I hummed at her, waiting for her to ask something.
Her eyes widened when she saw me but she started to speak,"ummm... do you know where m-mr. H-Holmes' class is."
She looked shy. I smiled at her.
"Yeah I'm in his class and so is my friend Laurence," I replied pointing at him.
Her eyes widened again but soon went back to normal. He smiled at her.
"Laurence are you ready?" I asked as he closed his locker.
"Yup," he replied.
"Hey what's your name," I asked the girl as we started walking to the classroom.
"Ummm... Thalia..." she mumbled as we turned into the classroom.
"What is it I didn't hear you," I replied as I sat my books down in my desk.
"It's.... Thalia..." she said a little louder.
My eyes widened and I heard Laurence drop his books.
"Thalia Ro'Meave," I asked with watery eyes.
She was quiet for a second before nodding her head up and down. I quickly brought her into a hug as I started to cry.
"Thalia.... I missed you so much," I told her, letting her go.
She smiled.
"I missed you too y/n," she replied with watery eyes.
I heard someone shuffle his feet towards us.
"T-Thalia..." Laurence said with a smile.
"Laurence!" She exclaimed as she ran over to him and hugged him.
He wrapped his arms around her and started to cry on her shoulder.
"I missed you," he said against her shoulder.
"I missed you too," she replied as she stroked his hair.
Then I felt someone wrap there arms around me.
"Hey love," the male voice rang through the air.
"Hey," I said as I wiped my tears.
"Why are you crying y/n," Dante asked with concern as he turned me around to face him.
"I finally got to see my sister," I replied with a smile as I pointed at her and Laurence.
"You have a sister," he asked as he looked where I was pointing.
I nodded with a smile. Thalia let go of Laurence and kissed his cheek. He blushed as she turned towards me. She looked at Dante and then looked at his arm that was around my waist. She walked over to us and looked at him.
"Excuse me but you will not touch my sister. She probably has a better boyfriend than a guy like you anyways," she said as she grabbed his arm and placed it by his side.
"Ouch that hurt," he replied with a laugh.
"Um Thal he is my boyfriend," I said with a awkward laugh.
"Ohhhhhhh! Well it's not to meet you... uhhh," she paused since she didn't know his name.
"Dante," he answered with a smile.
"Dante," she repeated with a smile.
Then the bell rang.
"Does anyone have geography?" Thalia asked us.
"Yeah Laurence does," I said pointing at him.
"Yay!" She says running over to him.
He chuckled and patted her head. They started to walk out of the classroom.
"You better take care of her Laurence cause I know you two are basically dating even though you haven't said anything," I yelled with a smile.
That's when they both bolted out of the room. I smiled.

Sorry for the short new chapter my little wolves. I hope y'all still enjoyed it! Anyways I love you my little wolves!

The Fallen Kingdom ~ A Dante X Reader (Book 1) ~unedited~Where stories live. Discover now