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-Phil, you are so hot.- Dan said.

-Dan, you are so drunk.- I said, blushing.

-Let's go dance!

-You can't dance and neither can I.

-But Phiiiiil it's going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuun.- Dan said in a slushy voice.-And you're leaving me in two days so pleeease do it for meeee.- He begged.

In any other situation, I would decline this kind of self embarassment, but I looked at that broken drunk child's shining eyes and I just went for it.

What wouldn't I do for this pair of drunk chocolate brown eyes?

The music wasn't so loud where we were dancing, so we could still chat.

-Please kiss meeee.-Dan said as his body collapsed into mine.

-I would, but you're not in any condition to consent that.

-Why noot??

-Because you're so very drunk- I laughed at him.

-But will you kiss me when I'm sober?

-Oh Dan, you don't know what you're talking about. You yourself said we're nothing other than friends.

-But Phiiiiil, I want to be more than friends, I wanna kiss you, I want to hold hands with you, I want you to fuck me so hard that all my neighbours will know your name.

I blushed and laughed nervously. Of course I wanted his whole neigbourhood to know my name.

-Let's discuss that when you're sober.

-Please promise to kiss me when I'm sober cause I'm suuuuch a pussy to do it myself.

-Okay, Dan, I promise.-I said only so he'd shut up.

-My head aches like fuck.

-Let's go to the car.

-Can I give you a blowjob?-He asked me in a dirty voice, but his eyes had an innocent shine.

-No, but you can rest your head on my shoulder if you want.

-Sounds good enough.

-Also, you're very innapropriate when you're drunk.

-Stop complainiing, you're loving it.


I held his hand and guided him to the car as he laughed at the walls.

-Phil... You look so fucking good.-He said, looking straight in my eyes.

-Thanks Mr, you don't look so bad yourself either.

-And you got such a nice fucking personality and music taste and videogames.

-Thanks, Dan, you too.

-Can we please get married and have children and dogs someday?

-Man, I wish you were always this gay.

He laughed.

-Please don't give up on me.-He rested his head on my shoulder, so we didn't have any eye contact.- I love you. I really do. And I'm really sorry stupid sober Dan doesn't show it all the time. But I love you with all my heart... No! Not only my heart, I love you with all my lungs, all my veins, all my brain, all my fucking intestines. And you need to know it.

I laughed.

-It's okay, Dan. Even if you don't remember this tomorrow, I really hope you know I love you with all my intestines too.

-Thanks for taking care of me. Oh my god, we're such a married couple.

-Yes we are.-I giggled.

-Does that mean we can kiss?

-Nope. And stop teasing me.

-I hate you.

And in no time, an angel Titan was asleep on my shoulder. And after staring at him for some time, I fell asleep too.

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