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Phil-lion: hey, baby boy
Phil-lion: I just got here :))
Phil-lion: and I miss you already :\
Phil-lion: I saw this really funny picture and just turned around like "Hey, Dan, look at this llama's face..." only to realise you weren't there
Phil-lion: and the old lady beside me was quite afraid of me after that too

DanH91: I called Clari "Phil" 5 times today, she is so mad at me please help
DanH91: how was your ride?
DanH91: other than scarring an old lady for life

Phil-lion: it was great :))

DanH91: that's great :))
DanH91: can't avoid the subject anymore
DanH91: what did you mean when you said you had promised someone you'd kiss me?

Phil-lion: oh okay
Phil-lion: you were very drunk at the club and you made me promise I'd kiss you when you were sober.

DanH91: and you took that seriously?
DanH91: Phil, I was so fucking drunk I actually started screaming I was russian
DanH91: DO YOU NOT SEE HOW RACIST THAT IS????????????????????

Phil-lion: iT wAs HiLaRiOuS
Phil-lion: I did not take that seriously
Phil-lion: I don't even know why I kissed you, I'm just so stupid
Phil-lion: I saw you there, and you were so sad
Phil-lion: and I just thought a hug wasn't enough
Phil-lion: are we good?

DanH91: yeah, we're great, like, we'll never be anything other than best friends, m8

Phil-lion: yeah, just best friends who've kissed twice

DanH91: oh, so that was the last one? :c

Phil-lion: how dare you

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