smirking and grinning (4)

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Blank. What the hell was happening? Which chit do i need to open? Where the hell am i? Oh.Wait. Coming back from imagining myself with Rey at the beach I realized that I was in Miss Jess's english class. I looked around and found a chit on my table. I dreaded opening it. Sabina and I were in the habit of communicating through chits in the class. What if Miss Jess was asking me to read it aloud to the class? I mean, I can't let her know that Sab and I think that she resembles Voldemort from Harry Potter because of her flat nose right? Or can we? No. Never. Never in a million years. She would make it a point of honour to destroy our lives. Literally. Anyways, I opened the chit. 'Number two' I read the contents of my chit getting even more confused. Rey stood up as soon as I read the number. "Reyansh Leon and Ridhi Caravin. Your topic will be romantic comedy." Miss Jess announced as she scribbled our names on her notepad. "You may sit now" She said and I relaxed a little. Just A LITTLE. The thought of Rey being my partner in whatever it was still troubled me. Though I was secretly happy. "What the hell just happened?" I asked to a widely grinning Sabina. "Rey and you are partners" she said, her grin becoming wider. "That even I understood. But for why are we partners? And what in this whole world is 'romantic comedy'?" I asked putting the 'romantic comedy' in inverted comas with my fingers." 

"Answer to the second question- I myself don't know.Answer to the first question-when you were lost in your dream world, chits were distributed to the entire class. I kept yours on your table. One same number would go to two students who would automatically become partners. Miss Jess gives every pair a topic on which they have to do a fifty page project and also make a power point presentation. The best PP presentation gets selected and the winning pair gets a bonus of twenty marks in the finals. Atleast this is what I could grasp." Sab said looking almost tired by the end. "Ok. and what is the deadline?" I asked out of curiosity of knowing how much time I get to spend with Rey. "Around a week I guess. Not sure" she said.

WOW! One full week with Rey. I needed dark chocolate.Like immediately. I could die of happiness otherwise. I grabbed one from my bag and popped it into my mouth. Felt better. "Quite a good beginning to college for you." Sab said stating the obvious. "Yeah" was all I could manage to say in this overwhelming state of happiness. Umm....I guess I just saw Rey steal a short glance towards me. He turned back blushing as soon as he saw me looking at him.

"You are gonna embaress that poor boy to death." Sab teased. "Whatever. By the way who is your partner?" I asked as the bell signifying the end of the period rang and Miss Jess left. "That devil to your left" she replied in her most irritated tone. Shaun winked and she made a face. "Is this winking and making a face ever gonna stop?" I asked. "Never" both of them replied together. "Finally something BOTH of you agree to" I said grinning. They stood up together, irritated, ready to leave. "ok ok! dont get mad! I was just kidding" I said as I ran behind them trying to keep up with their angry pace. "By the way BOTH of you got up at the SAME time to leave." I said after a while grinning again. I was having so much fun!! This time, they really did get mad and stomped off in the opposite directions leaving me alone. My phone beeped. I checked to see that it was a text from Vicky.

VICKY : coming to college. Did Sab cum 2day????

ME: answer to your question = u buy me another pack of hersheys dark chocolate.

VICKY: aaggrr. U r the reason my pocketmoney is always over before time. anyways, tell me.

ME: like you don't already get a huge heap anyways. You waste in buying presents for those stupid girls. btw yes, sab came to college.

VICKY: can i cum home after college with u and Sab in your car?

ME: treat at KFC plus a new pair of sneakers.

VICKY: aaaggggggrrrrrrr. >_< wateva. done deal.

ME: done deal :D

A\N --- so you finally get to meet vicky in  

the next chapter :D excited? i am :P

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