How you wish bro (7)

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2:10 am and i still couldn't sleep. All week i had been thinking about the drive with Rey and cherishing his touch and the same continued this night. I kept flipping through his images on my phone that i had secretly taken in the past years and admiring his cute glasses.  

3:30 am and sleep still decided to be a bitch and images of rey still filled my mind. Usually when i am going through a phase of emotional boost i like to stay close to vicky or my mother and right now i could feel the same craving hit me hard. Considering the time i decided that vicky would be a better option.Popping some dark chocolate into my mouth i headed for his room that was exactly opposite mine. His room door had a wierd sign that said 'entry restricted to all living creatures. Extra restrictions imposed on : my mom, my dad and my sister. In case of major emergencies like all video games of the world getting destroyed, please knock, Sheldon Cooper style'.  

I laughed at it and marched in without knocking like i always do and my dear brother was obviously sleeping. His room is like a gaming centre with atleast seven different gaming devices and million of game DVD's.I flicked the lights on and grabbing the remote from the sofa i turned the television to Vh1 and settled onto my brothers red bean bag. 

"who the hell is it man?" my brother complained obviously having woken up due to the noise. 

"its me bro. Was just a little bored. Thought i'd get entertained here. You can go back to sleeping." 

"who the hell can sleep in a hundred and ten decible noise level? and what in this whole world happened to that freakin tv in your room? why dont you use that instead? and first of all, who looks for entertainment at this time?"  

I was ofcource not going to tell him the real reason i am here. "stop complaining bro. I am not going.This is the price you are paying for letting you pick Sabina for college. And next time do not sleep without your shirt."  

"i already bought you fifty bars of dark chocolate as payement" He complained and pulled his pillow over his head trying to block the noise. 

Well, after the drive with prince charming things between myself and Rey changed a little. I discovered that Rey did not have many friends in college and thus, i usually stuck with him. Another pleasant surprise came my way when i discovered that our timetables are very similar. The eco class is the only class i do not share with him since he has biology at that time. Rest of the classes were a pure delight and this week i had hardly bunked any class except economics. You know why. Infact i surprisingly started finding shakespeare interesting. Rey usually helps me with most of my assignments and my grades started becoming better. I never knew it was possible. Rey and i started going college together. Sometimes i pick him up and sometimes he picks me up. Vicky picks up Sab. He thinks i am wantedly going with rey so that he can spend some time with sab which explains the dark chocolate payement. Greedy of me right?? i just can't help it when it comes to dark chocolate.  

The first day Rey and myself arrived college together in his BMW was totally EPIC!!!! Every pair of eyes in the campus dug holes in our backs. I was used to it but Rey was getting nervous beyond control and i had to hold his hand to keep him from falling. Worst descision of my life. Even before my hand touched his , ooooo's and aaaaa's filled the air making him even more nervous. He looked so cute that it was becoming difficult to concentrate. With great efforts i pulled myself up and dragged him along with me. I even apolagized later but he said he would get used to it which has not happened yet. I hope it never happens or i will totally miss that adorable face he makes. 


"pick your damn phone sis". my brother squealed in my ears. I opened my eyes to the music of 'one thing' by one direction which is my ringtone.  

"finally. Now answer your phone and get ready for college." vicky shouted and stomped out of the room. I realized that i was lying on my brother's bean bag with my legs on his bed and head on the floor. I straightened and checked the caller id. 'Mine' it said. Smiling i answered the phone and the sexiest voice on earth filled my ears. "I am picking you up today. Be at your place in five minuites. Be ready." he said and put the phone without waiting for a reply.  

Shitt. Did he just say five minuites? When rey says five minuites, it means exactly five minuites. I looked into the mirror. I looked crap. I scurried out of my bro's room and rushed to get ready. 

Five minuites twenty second. Thats how long it took for me to get ready and Rey was already honking at my door. Yes, that is exactly what you get for being friends with mr.punctual. 

Rey was leaning against his shining black BMW mini cooper when i reached out. OMG..there couldn't be anything more perfect than him ever born. His car matched his opticals perfectly and his messy brown curls made him look so sexy. His dimples became deeper as he smiled seeing me come. He opened the passenger seat door for me. uugghh. I din't like it. I mean i know it is what a gentleman should do and half the girls on earth would be gloating with happiness if their crushes opened doors and held shopping bags for them. But for me, it is different. I mean, why does rey have to do all that?? we are not even a couple yet.  

Rey and i got in the car and he started the engine. Unlike most guys Rey drives really slow and that is one reason i like to drive to school in my car.  

"rey drive faster or we won't reach college even in ten years" i said fustrated. 

"girls and their exaggerated ways of talking" he casually remarked and continued driving with the same speed. 

"by the way today you are joining us for lunch right?" i asked hopefully. 

"Um..i am not sure" 

"C'mon rey.You have been avoiding it the entire week. My friends are not soo scary. I know their ways are harsh but they are sweet. Please rey. For me. I want you to meet them.C'mon." i said and he flinched. 


"promise me you will come." 


"thank you soo much rey. You made my day." i squealed and squeezed his hand. Though i din't like the fact that he still stutters while speaking about them.

A/N-- ok i know this chapter was not very interesting or informative and i apologize for that. I promise the next chapter is going to be full of fun. A surprise awaits for all the REYANSH LEON fans. :D

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