heels and bestie (14)

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Chapter 13 end: "hellloOOooOooo!!!! seven year old in the house peeps!" blared the voice of my little demon and we pulled away. "Uugghhh! Thank you for destroying our perfect moment ANGEL" i said, annoyance evident in my voice. "You're welcome. I am the next famous monstrous destroyer of perfect moments. Muahahahahahaahaa!!" she said while shooting in different directions of the room with a gun made up of her fingers and all of us burst into fits of laughter.



Okay. Deep breathe Ridhi. Calm down and get a grip of yourself. This can't be that bad. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Just calm down... I kept chanting the mantra in my head trying to relax my notorious nerves as I sat on the stool in front of the mirror as Sab dabbed layers and layers of artificial colour on my cheeks, lips, eyes, eyelashes and every other visible surface on my face.

"For god's sake Ridhi. One knee over the other please. You do not sit like that with your legs wide apart. Especially not when you're wearing a dress and going out with a guy! How many times do I remind you? And get rid of that filthy diesel watch at once!" Sabina kept shouting orders making sure I did not get a second to myself.

The day before, after we were so ceremoniously discovered kissing by Maria, Rey asked me out. Like our first official date. I did not see this one coming. So anyways, miss inquisitive Sabina got the news out of me in seconds and went all hyperventilating frenzied teddy on me like I was up for a battle or something. MY date and SHE was getting excited. I guess that is the thing about girlfriends! And the result you ask? Here I am, wearing a white sleeveless frock with a five centimetre broad black belt at my stomach that was choking me to death. And Sabina kept insisting that I wear it tighter. Its times like these I wonder if she is some secret underworld agent conspiring to kill me by the mere act of making me wear those so called 'elegant dresses' !

"Okay! Now get up and get into those heels. You need some practice. We don't want you tripping over Rey. Do we now? Actually wait! That would be SO romantic...." she squealed and drifted off to her dream land. I on the other hand was staring at those three inch long, feet paralyzing heels. There was no way on earth I was wearing those... Conditions applied of course! It's Sab we're talking about!

Fifteen minutes later, the intercom buzzed. Sab answered and I knew it was time for me to go! I stole one last glance at the mirror. There, in the mirror was a girl I didn't recognize. My hair fell perfectly straight just below my shoulders, accentuating my cheek bones and the perfectly applied eyeliner making my eyes darker. Sab gave a tight squeeze to my shoulders and I wobbled on my heels. I have no idea how long I can last on these feet eaters! My open hair was sticking around everywhere and my suffocating belt already started irritating me.

"Beautiful" Rey mouthed while Sab escorted me down the front stairs and took my hand at the last step. I wobbled once again and Sab rolled her eyes. "Who are you and what have you done to my candy?" Rey asked while starting the engine after we got into the car and Sab left us. "Hi! My name is Sabina Replicataa and I left Ridhi home. Nice to meet you!" I said in my best possible squeaky voice and he laughed. Hardly five minutes away from my house Rey stopped the car and disappeared onto the opposite street before I even had the chance to ask where he was headed and returned within three minutes. "Here! tie your hair and get rid of those killer heels" he said handing over a hair band, a dark chocolate bar and a pair of black strapped flats. "Don't worry we won't let Sab know" he winked. I pecked him on the cheek and immediately kicked my heels off and pulled my hair into a pony. "By the way, where are we going? I am famished!" I exclaimed.

"Dad's restaurant. Hope you like it".

"Anything that satisfies my hunger" We were greeted at the portico by a man in a black tuxedo who led us through a huge dining hall and out through the back door, passing a cobbled surface fountain and stopping right behind it.

What met my eyes next was fifty shades of awesomeness. Right in front of me, in bright, sparkling, yellow lights was written 'I love you candy’. Little stars and spirals adorned those magic words and soft music played in the background. "You are my most favourite dark chocolate candy" Rey whispered in my ear and I threw my hands around his neck and hugged him like there is no tomorrow. And he hugged me right back, equally tight.

"Hey! There is a slumber party at my place tomorrow. Vicky, Sab, Shreya, Aditya, Shawn and one of his new bimbos, everyone's gonna be there. I told them you're coming. Cool?" I asked as I poked my meatball with my fork.

"Anything for candy" he replied adjusting his glasses, my cuties.

After the dinner, Rey surprised me with some more dark chocolate, which was one of its kind and very difficult to find in our country and then we headed to the pool where we sat hand in hand with our legs dipped in the water. "You can swim??!" Rey asked like that was the last thing he expected. "Is there anything you can't do?" he continued. "I can’t memorize Shakespeare's lines like you can" I teased and he rolled his eyes. "So when are you teaching me?" he asked. "Whenever you like" I replied.

 Conversation ceased after that and we sat there in perfect silence, simply enjoying each other’s company and basking in each other’s sight. Sometimes, just having someone beside you can make you forget the world. Their mere presence does the magic and you feel like every blurred vision is getting clearer. You know they love you and they know that you love them. No constant reminders needed. Silence expresses that whose worth words would reduce. Rey's gentle stroking of my hair and the comforting firmness of his grip around my other hand did it all. The sound of our rhythmic breathing and the light hum of the pool filter were the only sounds that surrounded us and I don't know how much time passed before I broke the silence. "Rey? You said you take Maria to aunt Lilly's place once a week right?"


"I think I have a plan".

Rey just smirked and then smiled and then squeezed my shoulder and that was all I needed to know that we were together in this.


A\N- Yeah ik long time, short update etc etc! Not even gonna promise fast updates now :P So vomment if by any great miracle you are still reading this!!

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