The Reckoning(10)

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dedicated the chapter to my watty buddy @remember_me21 for being a very supportive reader. Thanks gurl :)



"Oh my god, oh my god,  Oh . My .God. Are you telling me that your crush forever Mr.i-don't-talk-to-anyone and you are together now?" Sab squealed in my ear.

"will someone bother to explain what is happening?" Shreya asked visibly confused.

"Reyansh and Ridhi are together now. Oh my god wait. Did you guys kiss? Ofcource you kissed. How was it? Ridhi i want details. Did he gift you something? Did he decorate the whole library with roses? What enchanting words did he say to express his love? How long did you take to tell a yes? When are you guys going for your first date?" Sab shot questions after questions in a single breath.She was just being her usual self.

"Whoaa girl hold on.Calm your tits and take it slow. We did not kiss yet and of cource he did not decorate the whole freakin library with roses. He knows i don't like roses plus it is a personal thing. Why would he show it to the whole world? And he gifted a dark chocolate bar which to me is more acceptable than queen Elizebeth's tiara."  i said trying to answer all her questions. Like i already said, hiding the smallest detail from Sab is like commiting the biggest sin EVER.

"The very first day we met him i guessed he was into you." said Shreya. "I mean, did you notice the way he looks at you? its like he could take a bullet or even give up his books just to see you smile." she said. It obviously made me smile.

"Sab, its your turn now. Both of us have boyfriends. Isn't there anyone on your mind?" Shreya asked reflecting my thoughts.

"Actually there is." Sab said and i mentally started praying. I wanted her to tell Vicky's name and she did. "I guess i have started falling for Rid's twin." she said making my already perfect day the most perfect day ever. "but i wonder if he feels the same way." said Sab and i mentally smirked. The hell he does.

Shreya, Sab and i were in my room for a girls sleepover . We had already changed into our night dresses. Sab obviously wore her little cute pink night dress. Eeww pink. Her entire room is a pink paradise. I wonder how she tollerates so much pink. I on the other hand wore loose shorts paired with my dad's oversized and extremely loose t-shirt. It might be very ungirly but i don't care. I love it this way. Your argument is invalid. They say that a dad is his daughter's first love and the only man that will love her unconditionally. I say that a dad is the only man in who's clothes a daughter will NEVER feel uncomfortable.

We were getting ready to sleep and i almost drifted away when my phone started playing 'one thing'. It obviously woke the three of us up.

"Now why the hell is Shaun calling at this time?" i asked looking at the caller id.

"looks like the dudes are getting bored without us." said Sab. I picked up the phone and put it on speaker to enable my girlfriends to hear. "miss me already Shauny Wauny?" Sab asked in her oh-so-sarcastic voice. "G- girls" Shaun's voice was shaky and breaking and it seemed like it took every atom of strength in his body to speak. "Shaun why are you crying? What is wrong?Where is Vicky? Hasn't he reached yet? Do you want us to come over?" Shreya shot worried questions. Getting worried was an easier task than eating for this girl. But this time I was getting worried myself. Shaun NEVER cries. And when I say never I am not even exaggerating. The last time I saw him crying was when he lost his mother in a car accident two years back. Since then road accidents had always scared him out of his wit.  "Hey. Its ok Shaun. Stop crying. Whatever it is we are coming right over." Sab said and i was just about to cancel the call when Shaun spoke. "C-come to the City hospital i-in street five. V-V-Vicky met with an a-accident". he said still crying.

"VICKY WHAAATTT???" i screeched and Shaun cut the phone without replying.

All hell broke loose and i could feel the bed below me shake. My phone fell from my hand and i could feel my eyes ready to fall off from their sockets any minuite due to the shock. I just sat there with my eyes wide with horror. Through my wide open eyes i saw an evergreen river flowing out of Sab's eyes making her cheeks wet. Someone or something started moving around us. "Lets go girls. Our friend needs us. You will have to stay strong". Shreya said grabbing the keys of her cars. Under normal conditions i would have protested to let me drive but right now i could not even feel my fingers.

The fifteen minuite drive felt like a fifteen hour drive. It felt like time kept freezing itself every now and then. In the middle of the drive i heard Shreya blurting something uncomprehendable into her mobile. My blocked mind couldn't make sense of what my unwilling ears heard.

"Aditya....hoapital....street five...inform Rey...Vicky....accident". The last word sent shivers down my spine and from the corner of my eyes i saw Sab flinch.


My entire body shook and my flip-flops rubbed against the floor as i dragged my feet along the long corridor of the hospital. The operation theatre where Vicky's operation was currently in progress was at the end of the corridor. I tightly clutched the corner of my dad's oversized shirt trying to stop my shivering fingers. Sab squeezed my hand and i was greatful for that. I really had to hold someone's hand if i wanted to keep the ground. I saw Shaun sitting at the corner of the row of steel chairs outside the operation theatre. His hands were in his messy hair and his eyes were misty and glassy making it obvious that he had been crying.

"The doctors say it is really bad. His bone has been missallocated. Even if the operation right now is successful it might take a few months to heal and uptil then he might have to use the wheelchair".  Shaun said as another tiny tear escaped his eye. At this point, i really missed my parents. They were out of country for a year long business trip and coming back midway wouldn't be possible.Shreya hugged Shaun and sat next to him trying to comfort him.

"From what i know, Vicky is a really strong person guys and he is going to be very dissapointed if he sees any of us crying. All of you will have to be strong. For him." She said.

"Where is Vicky? Is he alright?" came Aditya's voice and he immedeately went to Shaun and they got engrossed in discussing details of Vicky's surgery. I was still sitting on the steel chair with my head hidden in between my legs when i felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head to find Rey in front of me on the floor on his knees. He held my shoulders for a few seconds without saying a word and just looking into my eyes through his glasses. That was it. I couldn't hold back my tears any more. All the fear, all the pain, all the anxiety and all the remorse that was building up inside of me came bursting forward like a thunder cloud making my eyes wet. I hugged Rey's neck with both my hands and burrowed my head in his shoulder. He held my head close to his chest and let me cry. Right now i din't want to talk to anyone. I din't want to listen to anyone and i din't want anyone asking me to be strong. All i want is a silent shoulder on which i can cry to my heart's content and Rey gave me exactly that. Hardly three weeks of knowing each other and hardly one night of becoming each other's and this guy already knew me better than anyone present right now.

I don't know how long i cried and i don't know how long we stayed like that but when i finally let go off him i could see the thin material of his white button down shirt drenching wet. "Feeling better now?" he asked in almost a whisper and I nodded. He produced a small bar of dark chocolate from his pocket and handed it to me. This guy DEFINITELY knows exactly what i want.

"S-Sabina? Do you w-want me to g-get you something?" he asked Sab who was sitting next to me and i turned to her. I could see her hand clenching and unclenching the hem of her little night dress. She always does that when she is scared or nervous. I put my hand around her shoulders trying to calm her. Yes. Sabina does cry very often even over the smallest thing but today it was different. "Some water please" Sab said replying to Rey's question. Rey went towards the hospital canteen to fetch water and at the same time the doctor came out of the operation theatre.

A/N-- they say that those characters of the book who get maximum attention automatically become protagnists. I don't believe in it :P

To the right is a picture of Vikram Caravin a.k.a Vicky (Jensen Ackles).

P.S-- do u guys have any suggestions for the name of this chapter?

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