01 | June

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I wake up on the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I glance over to see what time it is.

6:30 A.M.

I quickly get up, and quickly change, don't want to be late on my first day at Drake. I run downstairs, and see Metias making waffles.

"Good morning Junebug!" He says.

"Morning," I greet back .

He put a plate full of waffles in front of me, on the counter, while I sit down. I eat as fast as I can, less than a minute (50 seconds to be exact).

"Looks like someone's hungry." I hear Metias remark behind me.

"I just don't want to be late for school," I reply defensively.

"Okay, okay," Metias says, lifting up his hands in mock surrender.

I let out a laugh. Suddenly, I hear a car honk. "Michelle," I exclaim. "I almost forgot she was dropping me off at school!" I ran to grab my backpack. Saying goodbye to Metias,  l dashed out of the door.

"What took you so long!?" She yells.

"It didn't take that long" I reply.

Michelle has been my best friend since grade school. I share all my secrets with her. She literally knows everything about me, and vice versa.

We soon arrived at Drake. We got off and Michelle led me to my locker. She was getting late for class so she left. Once I was done getting things out of my locker, I walked to my first class. While I was walking to class, I bumped into a boy who was rushing to his class. I didn't know who he was, although he was kind enough to pick up my books from the floor and when he lifted up his head I realized I was staring at a pair of oceans.

"Sorry," He mumbled.

"Its okay" I told him. I asked him where Mr.Franks class was and he showed me. There was an awkward silence between us the whole way until we were almost there, he stretched out his hand and said "Daniel, but you could call me Day" He said. 

"June" I said, shaking his hand. 

His touch sent shivers down my spine and I found myself blushing. "We should hang out more, maybe at lunch?" Daniel said. 

"Okay" I reply.

 When he was leaving, he turned around and said "Oh, and by the way you look cute when you blush."  After he that winked at me and left. There was something about him that made my heart skip a beat.


I tried Guys, I really did. I almost died editing this trash and what can I say? Trash is still trash.

 I almost died editing this trash and what can I say? Trash is still trash

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