09 | June

635 35 15

When I walked in the house I was surprised to see Anden talking to Metias on the couch.

"Hey Junebug! How was school? One of your classmates came to visit you!" Metais says.

"Hello June." Anden says.

Metias gets off the couch and walks into the kitchen.

"June, since you were busy, I decided to visit you." Anden says happily.

"Anden, lets go in my room and talk." I say. I take Anden up to my room and I was going to scream at him real bad but I stopped myself with all the patience I have left. Instead I simply asked a question

"Anden, why are you really here?"

"Because I wanted to see you." Anden replies instantly.

"Well then, I guess you've seen me. The door is that way." I point to the door.

"Look, June I know your mad at me for coming to your house but I liked you the minute I met you and I could give you anything you want. Just let go of Daniel and be mine." He says.

"How dare you!? Daniel is nothing like you and I will never love you." I yell.

He comes closer to me and kisses me. I don't kiss back instead I push him off and almost punch him until Metias comes in.

"What is going on?" Metias asks.

Before Anden could say anything. I tell him everything that happened between me and Anden.

"I'm sorry Anden," Metias says. 

Suddenly, Metias goes up to Anden and punches him in the face. No wonder he said sorry because he was going to punch him in the face. Metias then drags Anden through the doorway.

"Stay out!" Metais says before closing the door.

"Thank you." I tell Metias as I give him a hug.

"Your welcome Junebug." He whispers in my ear.


Whose idea was this to publish this story back up again?

*Inner self* It was you dumbass

*Inner self* It was you dumbass

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