08 | Day

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"Hello class, I am glad to introduce our new student, Anden. He's going to be joining you all! Ms. Iparis, your schedule is the same as Anden's, so you could show him around, and I see there is an empty seat beside your right, so Anden will be sitting beside you." The principal said.

The whole time Anden was starring at June. I could tell he likes her which means I hate him more than anything because she is taken by me. After the principals lecture, Anden quickly takes a seat beside June.

"Hello" Anden says.

"Hi" June replies.

"Are you doing anything after school today?" Anden asks. 

I was shocked at his question but I was glad at June's response.

"Yes, I am actually going out on a date with my handsome boyfriend here, Daniel, after school." June says pointing at me.

I couldn't help myself so I gave June a chaste kiss on the lips. Good thing the teacher went to use the restroom.

"Oh, okay, what about tomorrow" Anden ask with a bit of hope glinting in his eyes. 

I had no idea June could be this offended because this time I was really shocked at her response.

"Ummm, actually, what about never?" 

Anden looked like he got punched in the stomach. I guess he had never been rejected before.

"I am really sorry Anden, but we could be friends if you want." June says.

"Sure." Anden responds with no hesitation.

After that conversation was over, the school bell rang, which meant school is over. I took June's hand and we ran out of school to my house.

"Where are we?" June asks.

"At my house" I respond. 

"Look's nice" She says.

"Oh trust me, it is. I took you here so I could introduce you to my mom and brothers." I say.

"Sounds fun! I would love to meet them!" June says excitedly.

"Great" I say and knock on the door.

It was unlocked. I guess Mom's home early and John. I turn the door knob and we are greeted by Tess and Eden, again, having a make out session.

"Come on! Like seriously get a room you two!" I say teasingly.

They both start to blush.

"Daniel! It was a good bye kiss!" Eden says.

"Well you can't give good bye kisses everyday, right? Tess comes everyday. I am sure you could skip a day without kissing her." I say.

"Day! Seriously, enough with the teasing! I mean like, its not like you could go a day without kissing me." June says cockily.

"Right. Okay bye guys!" Tess yells while she walks out the door.

"Bye!" Eden screams, then he goes up to his room.

I see Mom making dinner in the kitchen so I lead June there. I go up to my mom and introduce June to her.

"Hello Mrs. Wing!" June says happily.

"Hello June, its a pleasure to meet you! I see your Daniel's girlfriend. You can call me Grace." My mom tells June.

"Okay, Grace" June says.

After that, John comes in.

"So this is the girl you talk about all the time. In fact, you also say her name when your sleeping." John says teasingly.

June blushes.

"John, I don't do that! Its only sometimes!" I defend myself.

I introduce June to John and then my mom tells us to go upstairs so we could get some privacy. So we listen to her and go. Eden and I used to share a room but we got separate rooms last month. Once we enter my room I lock the door and go sit beside June on my bed.

"Your mom is very kind and pretty" She says.

"I know" I tell her. "Do you know who else is kind?" I ask.

"Who?" June asks.

"You!" I state.

June lets out a laugh. Soon, we are laying down and she has her head on my chest and I am playing with her hair.

"I love you, June" I say randomly.

"I love you, too" June says smiling and leans in to kiss me but the door opens.

John came up to tell us dinner was ready. We went down and ate dinner, while talking about June. After that, June had to leave so I walked her home and once we were there she gave me a hug and kiss and went back inside. I went home and fall on top my bed. I keep thinking about Anden and how he likes June. 

To make matters worse he has every class with June. I hope matters get better later on and June won't leave me for him.


If you have read this far, not only am I impressed but I applaud you!

If you have read this far, not only am I impressed but I applaud you!

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