10 | Day

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I am glad it is last hour. After what June told me happened between her and Anden, I am keeping an eye on that kid. The worse thing is that he had the courage to kiss June, my June. Like who does that? I am gonna plan to beat up this kid after school. I was so zoned into my thoughts until I heard June.


"Yeah" I say.

June started laughing at me.

"What?" I ask.

She points to my mouth and hands me a mirror. I see a mustache painted on my face. I look at June who is dying of laughter.

"June, did you do this?" I ask smiling.

She responds by laughing.

The teacher never seems to notice because she walks out of the room. I grab June by the waist and pull her closer. She looks so beautiful laughing. I guess she read my mind because she says exactly what I'm thinking.

"Day, I know that look on your face." 

Now I laugh. Almost everyone in the class was staring at us, including Anden. I suddenly kissed June on the lips. Everyone started saying things like 'cute' or 'how adorable',  butI didn't care, all I wanted was Anden to see this so he would back off. Also, it was an opportunity to kiss June that I couldn't miss.

 We pulled away after 2 minutes and everyone started clapping, which made June blush. I must have given June a mustache too because the paint was wet and I started laughing. I gave June the mirror and she blushed even more once she saw her face. It was really cute. Before the teacher came in June walked to the sink in the room and wet a paper towel and wiped her face and she came towards me and wiped my face as well. Anden was looking at us with his mouth open. I decided to take my chance and say something to him.

"Anden, close your mouth. I am sure you don't want a fly ending up in there, yeah?"

Anden regains his posture and pretends like nothing happened. I was trying to hold in my laughter the whole time. Suddenly a girl came up to us and told us we were cute together, that made June blush and I told her thank you. Anden saw all of it and he was shock. Finally the school bell rang and school was over. Good thing there is no school tomorrow, so I am going to stay with June for a while. We walked home together and I never let go of her hand the whole way. Once we arrived at June's home, she opened the door and we got inside.

"Hey Junebug!" Metias says. "Hello Daniel." Metias greets once he sees me.

"Hey." June and I say at the same time.

We go upstairs and close the door. We talk and cuddle and all that stuff, until I get an idea to prank Anden...


I'm so cheesy. 

4 more chapters

4 more chapters

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