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6 Months Later...


"I can't believe this tiring year is over!" Tess exclaims.

Tess and I were currently outside of school on graduation day, trying to find Day and Eden because we have already said our good byes to all our other friends like Kaede and Pascao. So far it was hard to find them, since all you could see were black colored uniforms.

"I know right!" I reply " But its kind of sad that this will be our last day of high school." 

I then feel strong arms wrap around my waist and someone's lips against my ear.

"Miss me, sweetheart," A husky voice whispers in my ear.

"Day!" I yell once I turn around.

He had a big smile on his face and he looked carefree.

For the past six months, we have been through ups and downs and now we have officially finished high school. There were hard times like when Tess opened up about her family but we made it through together. It was good that Day and I will be going to the same college, but Tess and Eden will be going to a far away one that's 5 hours away from here. We all agreed to meet on the weekends. Hopefully, everything will go as planned in the future.

I found my self returning the same warm smile to Day that he gave me. He spun me around and then stopped. I was about ask why when I saw Tess and Eden doing the same thing but instead Eden was stealing a few kisses once in a while. They were inseparable and so cute. 

It was like the shy Eden I got to know was completely gone when he was with her. Day spun me around once again and stole a kiss as well from me. Finally we got together and decided to go to a near by cafe. We went to the Crystal Cafe, the same cafe Day took me on our first date. The memory made me smile. We talked all day until it got late. We all said our good byes and went home hoping for the best in the future.

8 Years Later


"Is Mr. Wing here?" The doctor says.

Eden stands up once hearing the doctor.

The doctor gives a big smile.

"Congratulations! Its a girl! You have officially become a father!" He says.

Eden had tears of happiness in his eye.

"Can we visit her?" He asks .

The doctor nods his head. We rush inside Tess' room and find her singing a soft lullaby to her newborn baby in her arms. 

I remember June and I getting married three years ago. A year after that, we had a son, June insisted to name it Liam but I named it Metias since he was important to June. Eden and Tess got married a year later our son was born and here we are in the hospital now. 

"Whats her name?" June asks, coming through the doorway with Metias in her arms.

"Grace." Eden replies.

I smile at the name. It was nice having a full family now and that everything is just right, there are maybe sad times but at least I have a loving family now. 

"You know Mom and everybody is coming here any moment right?" I remind Eden he just nods and looks at his newborn daughter and Tess lovingly.

Once everyone arrives, it's like a reunion since we haven't met in a year and it feels right. I wrap an arm around June's waits and pull her close to my side. I pick our son up from her arms and take him in my own. I lean closer to June's ear and say the three words I tell her everyday.

"I love you."



Thank you to whoever's read this far! I hope you enjoyed it  :)

Thank you to whoever's read this far! I hope you enjoyed it  :)

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