04 | Day

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I took a deep breath and said what I wanted to say since the moment I met June.

"I haven't had a crush on anyone except you, and you mean something special to me and I want you to know that. I don't know if you have the same feelings for me but I just thought you should really know. Ruby is your birthstone, yeah? Would you like to be my girlfriend? You don't have to say yes," I say nervously.

June was so shocked that I knew it would be a straight forward 'no' right in my face but I felt shocked when she says the one word my ears dreamt to hear.

"YES!" she exclaimed.

I was so shocked for a moment that I didn't even know how to respond. Finally processing her answer, I couldn't stop myself from kissing her. I pushed her against the wall and put my hand on her cheek and kissed her, with her reciprocating my actions. She pulled away once she saw her watch because it said 5:25. "Day, we have to go."

 We started walking to her house in silence. Once we got there, June was the first one to start to talk.

"Thanks for the necklace, I really enjoyed spending time with you," she said.

"The pleasure is mine, sweetheart," I respond with a grin on my face. 

After that she gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow." I tell her.

"You too!" She replies before going inside.

I can still see her staring at me from the window so I look up and smile, and wave, she does the same.

I turn around and walk in the direction of my house. While walking home, my gaze travels to the sunset. It looks like a bunch of messed up colors; pink, yellow, orange, all mixed together, it looks so breath-taking, just like June. 

Finally I getting to my house, I  get greeted by the sight of Eden and Tess having a make out session by the door. I clear my throat awkwardly and they finally pull away. Both of their cheeks are tainted with a faint blush but Eden says bye to Tess before she leaves home.

"Eden, next time go get a room" I tell him playfully.

"It was a good bye kiss. Oh and how did it go with June? Did she say yes?" He asked.

"It went good and she did say yes, so can I come in now?" I ask.

He moved out of the door way and I walked in. I saw mom making dinner and I helped her and told her about June. Once dinner was ready, we sat and ate at the dinner table and she told John about June. Once we were done she told me she would love to meet June one day.

"Me too!" John exclaimed.

I nodded and went to my room. After that I shut the door and closed my eyes shut. Out of all the things I could think about my mind stops at one person.






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