07 | June

766 36 28

I woke up in Day's arms on my bed. Suddenly, I realized we had school today! I looked at the clock I realized Day must have shut the snooze button because its 6:35.

"Good morning!" Day said while kissing me on the forehead.

"Morning" I greet back. "Do you know we have school today!"

"Oh no!" Day says and he rushes down stairs taking my hand and pulling him with me out of bed. 

"I am in big trouble if I am late by my big brother for the hundredth time!" Day tells me. I laugh. Metias is asleep because he has night duty, so I have to make breakfast for Day and I. I quickly make pancakes, change, and grab my backpack and head out of the door with Day by my side. 

We had to stop to his house for his backpack and we ran to school, well Day picked me up for almost half of the school way. We get there on time with ten minutes left to spare before school starts, so Day pulls me to a corner, where I guess he was about to kiss me but it was taken by Tess and Eden. They were hugging which was actually cute, I never knew Tess and Eden were a couple. After 2 minutes, they pulled away, I saw Eden take out a red velvet box and then opened it. Inside was a diamond necklace.

"They're cute aren't they?" Day whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, very cute" I whispered back into his ear.

Eden said his feelings to Tess after and then they kissed. It was adorable. Suddenly the school bell rung and ruined the moment and we all ran inside. When I got inside to my first class, my teacher tells me that they have changed my first and last hour on my schedule so they take me to Mr.Smith's class. They told me to chose a seat and luckily Day was in that class so I sat beside him and instead of paying attention we talked the whole time. Soon it was lunch time and I went to where Michelle, Pascao, Kaede, Tess, Eden and Day were sitting. 

"So Eden," Day says teasingly "June and I saw your little naughty act with Tess in the corner."
Eden and Tess both blush.

"Well, Tess and I have a little thing for each other and I am not shy to prove it anymore!" Eden says proudly.

Suddenly Eden does something that made us shock because he is usually very shy like Tess. He puts a hand on Tess' cheek and kisses her. It went like that for 5 minutes after Eden pulled away he said three words that were beautiful.

"Tess, I love you" 

After that lunch was over I went to my next class. Finally, it was last hour. The principal showed me to my new class and again Day was in it. I sat beside him and talked the whole time until there was a knock on the door. The teacher opened it and there was a student with the principal. The principal started to introduce him. 

"Hello Class, I am glad to introduce our new student..."


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