03 | June

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I am so happy school ended, I can't wait to go out with Day! I called Metias to see if it was okay if I could hang out with my friend and he said 'yes', but I have to be home by 5:30. I looked at the time. 


This means I could go out with Day for 2 hours. I wait at the school entrance because that's where he told me to meet him. After a couple of minutes ( 2 minutes and 30 seconds exactly), Day came out with Tess and saw me. He waved good bye to Tess and headed towards me.

"Hey," He breathes out.

"Hi," I reply, feeling giddy, "I called my brother to see if I am allowed to hang out with you and he said yes but I have to be back by 5:30"

"Well, what are you waiting for? Our wedding? Lets go!"

I try to fight the blush that was arising on my cheeks but it wouldn't work and with that he grabbed my hand and started to run. Then he took a sharp turn and stopped at a restaurant, Krystal.

Once we entered, Day took me to a table in the corner. We sat down and a tall lady with brown hair and green eyes took our order. In the meantime, before our orders arrived, Day told me about himself and I told him about myself.  Before I knew it, it was 5:00. I told Day I should be heading home now and he offered to walk me back and I accepted.

When we were a block away from my house when he took my hand and pulled me into a corner of an alley.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"You'll see," He said in a mischievous voice.

He searched for something in his pockets. Finally, he found it and took it out a red velvet box, and opened it, inside it revealed a necklace with a heart-shaped ruby. It was gorgeous!


It's like my inner 12 year old self is squealing while my my outer fifteen year old self is like cringing.

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