02 | Day

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I was sleeping peacefully until I feel cold water being splashed on me. I jolt awake , and see Eden on the floor, laughing.

"What was that for!?" I exclaim, while getting up to go slap him. I stopped once I saw John coming in.

"Eden, Tess is waiting for you downstairs," He states. 

Once Eden heard that he was dashing down the stairs, as if his clothes were on fire. John and I let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, and Daniel, hurry up, its 6:45 you'll be late for school!" John reminds me.

I look at the time and, no kidding, he's right; school begins in 20 minutes!

I hurry up and change, run downstairs, and eat breakfast as fast as I can. I look at the time and I have 10 minutes left. I wave good bye to my mom and John, and run to school because I missed the bus 5 minutes ago. I was in such a rush, I didn't know my surroundings. (Also, the fact that I tripped over my own feet and almost bumped into a tree).

I bumped into a girl. She had brown hair and brown eyes with gold flecks in them. I found myself admiring her features. I picked up her books for her, and she asked me where Mr. Franks class was. I led her the way, and when we were almost there I told her my name and she told me hers. 

June, pretty name, I thought. 

I told her that we should meet and by her blushing, I knew it was a yes.

I eventually went to my first class, waiting for lunch to come fast, and believe it or not it did come pretty fast, I saw June sitting on the last lunch table with her friends. Turns out Tess, Eden, Pascao, and Kaede know her ( I was kind of jealous that I was the only one who didn't) and Michelle, who's in one of my classes, is her closest friend.

 I sat beside June and I was shocked to find out she had never been in a relationship before, I mean its not like I would go for it! Or maybe I would, so I asked her if she was free after school and she said yes! I can't wait till this boring school day end because I can't wait to see June!


This too cliche for my liking, but we gotta do it for the Fandom!

This too cliche for my liking, but we gotta do it for the Fandom!

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