05 | June

776 39 19

I walk in the house with a huge grin on my face.

"Whats up Junebug? Why are you smiling so hard?Did you have a good time with your friend?" 

"I had a wonderful time." I say.

"Great! I see you got a gift too." He says, looking at my necklace.

Wanting to change the topic, I tell him, "I am going to bed now." 

"Okay" He says and walk to his room.

I do the same. I change into my pajamas and go to sleep while thinking of Day.


Good thing its Saturday, I don't feel like doing anything today. I change into some hoodie and yoga pants. I was about to turn on the TV until I heard a knock on my bedroom window, I was about to call Metias, to tell him there was some stranger trying to break in but I stopped when I saw who it was.

"Day! What are you doing here!?!" I yell.

"I am just checking on you, I was bored so I came to your house." Day says with a big smile on his face, while coming closer to me. 

He is so close I could feel his breath against my skin.

"Junebug!" Metias yells. "Breakfast is ready!"

Before I could go, Day pulls me closer by the waist and gives me a small peck on the lips. After 5 minutes, Metias comes in the room and sees Day kiss me.

"Ummm, Junebug, who is he?"

Before I could answer Day lets me go and goes up to Metias and shakes his hand.

"Hi, my name is Daniel, but you could call me Day, I am June's boyfriend."

Metias looks shocked but I give him a look begging him not to get mad. But then he introduces himself.

"Hello, I am Metias, June's brother. Nice to meet you Day. Would you like to come downstairs for breakfast?"

"Sure," Day replies.

Then Metias leaves leaving me and Day alone. We walk downstairs together holding hands but part ways when I walk up to Metias.
"I am sorry Metias for not telling you." I tell him, trying to sound sorry.

"Its okay Junebug, he looks like a nice guy anyways," He states.

I am happy Metias is starting to like Day, or else I was worried what would happen.


I think I'm doing a pretty good job editing this 

I think I'm doing a pretty good job editing this 

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