13 | Day

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"Eden..." I whisper.

Tess was trying to back away Eden while Kaede was trying to back away, I am assuming another new kid, Baxter. I could tell Eden was really mad because his jaw was clenched and his fist was closed tightly ready to punch anytime. I had never seen him this mad before so Baxter must have done something really bad. Luckily, the principal came before the fight got out of hands. I grabbed June's hand and ran toward Eden and Tess, who was trying to calm him down. 

"What was that?!" I nearly yelled.

June was squeezing my hand to calm me down.

"Daniel, he tried to touch Tess and once Tess pushed him he started to say horrible things about her and about her family. So I couldn't hold it, and started the fight. I'm sorry, really sorry," Eden said. 

I honestly didn't know what to do in a situation like this. 

"Day, please don't be mad at Eden, he did nothing wrong. He was only trying his best to protect me. Also, since Eden knows about my past, he is trying his best to not let anyone harm me." Tess says. 

Now I was completely speechless, I never knew about Tess' past, she never talked about it and I never forced her to. So out of curiosity I asked her. She sighed. 

"Not here, lets go to your house. I promise I will tell you two because you both deserve to know the truth." She says.

We all go to my house and go in the room Eden and I are currently sharing. June and I sit on my bed and Eden sits on his bed with Tess.

"When I was nine, I was abandoned by my parents. My dad would drink and so would my mom, they were so depressed because of the Republic, they couldn't afford anything for me, nor my two other siblings. It wasn't like they never loved me, they were so kind to me, they treated me equal to my siblings, but a week before they locked me out of the house, they were so depressed they started acting weird, they would get mad easily. Give us only breakfast and say that they didn't have any lunch or dinner, they would hit us for the tiniest things, and the day before they kicked me out, my parents would constantly pick on me. 

"Then suddenly they kicked me out when it was almost midnight, I was sleeping on the floor when my dad held my feet and my mom held my arms and stuffed a piece of cloth in my mouth and threw me out the house. I am sure I heard my mom mumble a 'sorry'. I knocked on the door for weeks, but no one would respond until I found Day. I know you tried a lot to find me a new, loving family, but I really can't take the risk of getting betrayed again. I never told you because I didn't want you to feel sorry for me ." Tess explained.

By the time Tess was done, she had tears in her eyes. Eden was trying to comfort her. I thought we should leave them alone so I got up and headed to the doorway and June seemed to get the message because she was following me. We went to her house and straight to her room and sat there silence. Not an awkward, but comfortable silence.


Can you believe the next chapter is the Epilogue?

Can you believe the next chapter is the Epilogue?

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