Chapter 18: Pain

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Fifty lashes for your fear.

A drop of blood for each tear.

A broken bone to match your heart.

No, four broken bones for your heart.



As my bones hang over the magma, Flowey constricts throughout me. His leaves brushing the inside of my skull, the vines lacing through my bones. He moves my leg, the painful hold on my soul forcing the motion without my consent. He's going to kill us both, and he doesn't care.

"WAIT, FLOWEY! I'LL RESET!" The darling voice screams in desperation.

No. No, Frisk, don't. Let me go. Let this pain end. It's better this way.

Flowey relaxes my leg, stepping back onto the path with an all too innocent smile.

"See, now that wasn't too hard now was it?" He chirps, a vine brushing against my broken rib, making me tremble in quiet pain.

Frisk stands in front of me, she shoulders sagging as her head is bowed in defeat. She glances up at me, or Flowey. I can't tell who she's looking at. My soul only hope it's me.

She lets out a heavy breath. "I'll reset," She says much more quietly.

Frisk, no. Stay Determined. Why are you giving up so easily? The bridal like vine in my jaw tastes like acid as I try to fight against it. My need to comfort her taking over my logical mind. 

Flowey lets out a small laugh. "Aren't you excited, Frisk? To begin again? I mean, did you really think you could have a happy ending?"

He waits patiently, sliding out of my right eye socket. His attention fully on Frisk as her fists tighten for a moment, then loosen in defeat. His smile brightens at this while my soul darkens.


Flowey tsks softly. "You've always been an idiot."

I lash my magic out at that, trying to break or even loosen Flowey's hold on my soul. It simple burns a few vines in my ribcage. Flowey growls in annoyance, retreating back into my skull (Pain pulsing like a non-existence heart) and refocuses his control over me. Slowly tighten his grip on my soul, and sliding a vine to the next rib that rests above my already broken one.

"Wow, you're still fighting? Heh, I thought you've already given up." I feel him smile in the darkness of my skull, and I cringe inwardly in terror. Frisk looks up at me when he says this, something shining in her eyes that I can't place.

"I'm waiting, Frisk." He says cheerfully.

"It will take a little time. It's been a while since I've done it..." She mumbles, all her will gone.

Flowey smile grows bigger. His vines brush against one of the cracks in my skull, and the pain makes my soul dim. He shifts, making his head visible through my eye socket.

"Frisk. Do you know how many broken bones a skeleton can endure?"

Her eyes widen in horror. "Flowey, please. You don't have to do this. You can stop all of this, right now." She pleads one last time.

Flowey laughs, a vine tighten around my rib. Magic begins to gather in my mouth, knowing what's coming next. "I know you'll need a minute to reset again, but a little motivation just might make the process go faster. Besides, I'm curious..."

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