Part 2

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We arrived at Oshuu.

I hang my head low.

Is this really the end?

I noticed that the one eyed dragon stopped at his residence.

"Oi Kojuro, find someone to treat her." He said then got off his horse.

"I understand." Kojuro help me down from the horse and i still feel the pain on my right feet.

The one eyed dragon take off his helmet, showing his shoulder length brown hair.

"Im going for a hot springs." He walk entering the residence.

Im really confused and scared right now.

Kojuro help me walk slowly and take me to an empty room.

I sit down, panting.

Kojuro sits down in front of me.

"Im sorry, but lady. Can you tell me what happen earlier?" Kojuro said with a polite manners.

He is a nice person i think and relaxes a little.

"Um...i did some terrible mistakes." I said feeling sorry,

"What did you do?" He smiled.

"I got the one eyed dragon almost killed." Tears filled my eyes again.

Kojuro doesn't looked surprised and closed his eyes. "So that's how it is."

He opens his eyes and look at me.

"As long as he is alive right now, you are fine. We didn't mean harm to you in the first place. He was just mad because he cannot defeat his rival, Yukimura Sanada." He explains.

"B-but...what is going to happen to me?" I tremble with fear again, even Kojuro already explain.

"I don't know about that, only Masamune-sama can decides. But don't worry, Masamune-sama will not kill you. He's not into killing women." Kojuro got up and left the room.

"I'll be back with someone who will treat you, please take a rest. Then i'll excuse myself." He closed the door leaving me alone.

Oh what should i do?

After a while thinking i decided to try running away.

Even with my wounded feet.

With a lot of efforts i walk to the door and slide the door open.

"Where do you think you're going?" A voice heard.

I saw him, the one eyed dragon standing in front of the door crossing his arms.

He's wearing a hakama, with his hair still soaked wet.

"" He pulled my arm and force me to sit back.

Surprised i try to fight back but its no use.

"Do you know what you do?" He sits opposite of me with his arms and legs crossed.

"...Are you...going to kill me?" I said scared.

He laughed loudly.

"Maybe i will." He said.

But I remembered what Kojuro said.

No, he wouldn't...

"Lady, i brought someone who will treat you," Kojuro suddenly opened the door.

He notice the one eyed dragon is there.

"Oh, Masamune-sama you were here."

The one eyed dragon only nods.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now