Part 16

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Masamune-sama looked restless.

He couldn't sleep at night and don't eat enough food.

I know the reason.

He's worried about Lady Yue.

Eiji is not looking good to. He must be thinking about his lady.

I worry about Lady Yue too, but if i didn't remained calm who will calm them down?

"Dammit, what should i do?" Masamune-sama puts his hand on the table.

"We should wait." I said.


"Masamune-sama, please remember that Lady Yue was supposed to be under Takeda-sama protection, because her village is ruled by Takeda-sama. Takeda-sama wouldn't do any harm to her." I explained.

Masamune-sama clicked his tongue.

"I know, you didn't have to tell me again." He said.

It's not the right thing to do right now but i let out a chuckle.

I can't imagine he finally fell for a women.

"How about if i send a few of my men to take her back?" He looked at me.

I exhaled.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Masamune-sama. Its too dangerous, you can provoke a war if they get caught." I said.

"Shit!" He cursed in english.

He's really desperate to take Lady Yue back..


"Im uh....." I raised my head.

They stayed silent, waiting for my answer.

I gulped and holds my hand that is shaking.

" at Date's residence." I said it.

"Date? Oshuu? Masamune?!" Yukimura shouted surprised.

"Did something happen?!" This time the ninja shouted surprised.

"When you're having a clash with him, at my village. I somehow...accidently...caught with him...and i stayed with him until now." I explained recalling what happen before.

"I remember you! You are there!" Yukimura said.

I nodded.

"So did he hurt you? Are you a hostage?" The ninja throwed questions.

While looking at the scar on my neck.

"N-no! Im not a hostage!" I shouted and covered my neck.

Im not....a hostage...

wait...why do i feel uncertain? What am i to him?


"I..i don't know..." I looked down.

"Sasuke enough, she must be in shock now." Takeda puts his hand in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke nod understand.

"Well Yue-dono, you're safe here now." Yukimura said.

"H-huh? Wait!" I raised.

"Find someone to take her to a room." Takeda orders Sasuke and Yukimura.

"Understood." Sasuke flick his finger and suddenly some people came. They grabbed my shoulder.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now