Part 11

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Masamune stays silent.

Then raised.

He looked at me.

"Why are you saying this? Its just something you say to comfort me right?" Masamune chuckled and crossed his arms even though this is serious.

I looked at him in the eye.

I ignore my beating heart that beats like crazy.

"No, im being honest." I smiled.

"I thought you hated me." He smirked.

"Um...." I looked down.

"Well, let's go to sleep." Masamune stands up and walk to his futon.

I looked at him confused.

He didn't understand...

I stands up too and slide the door closed.

I fix the paper wall between us.

"Good night, Masamune-sama." I said as i slips to my futon.

Masamune doesn't reply me.

Maybe he already asleep.

I tried to sleep too.

But my heart is uneasy somehow.


I was woken by a voice.

Is it an enemy?

Im about to reach my sword but then i heard a sobs.

Someone is crying?



I stand up and slides the paper wall.

I see Yue is still sleeping but she looked restless.

Her blanket is not covering her anymore.

She is crying.

" sorry." She suddenly mumbles.

A nightmare huh.

I pulled the blanket and about to cover her.

But she's shivering.

How long did she sleep without the blanket?

I slips to her futon, laying beside her, and pulled the blanket.

I know im not being myself these days. Its must be because she's around.

"Hey, its all your fault." I whisper to her.

I cuddled her to make her more warm.

Her tears stop falling and her face become so peaceful.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now