Part 14

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I slide the door hard.

I see her.

The girl that i hurted so much.

Kneeling weakly.

Her face is pale as white.

Her breath is shallow.

She grips her chest really hard until her kimono is all messed up.

"Yue..." I approached her slowly.

Some part of me hurt looking at her like this.

"Is it true?" She said in hoarse voice.

"IS IT TRUE?!" Her eyes starts to get teary.

I can't look at her eyes.

I the leader of Oshuu is really weak to see this girl looked like this.

"Oi, calm down." I try to reach her shoulder.

But she suddenly get up and run away.

"Yue!" I shouted calling her.

But she didn't listen to me.

I clicked my tongue.

That girl!

Im annoyed yet regretful.

"Lady Yue...."

Kojuro stands near the door.


No! NO! Its a no no noo!

They can't be dead!

Mother! Father! Mori!


Why things keep happening?!

My chest hurts so much....

I miss them.

I loved them so much....

Did i really lost them?


No! NOO!


I fall on the corridor.

"No....NOO!" I cried.

Im so pathetic.

Im so weak.

I always cry if anything happened.


I lost my family...



The only place i can go home even if i couldn't.

The only persons that accept me for who i am.

If only i was there.

Maybe i should've died together with them.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now