Part 3

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I sit on the corner of the room blankly.

"Hey lady, pour us some sake!" All the guys shouted at me.

I just waved my hand and smiled refuse them.

Being here is much more scary.

"Hey hey, you're no fun!" Masamune said raising his sake bottle.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" I said.

"Yeah, maybe. After the feast is over." he laughed and gulped the sake.

I sighed.

I thought he is supposed to be evil and fearful like stories i heard.

But seeing this, i can see that he's really respected by his army.

Suddenly i remembered something.

"Kojuro-san, how is my family on the village?" I faced him.

Kojuro is a little surprised by my sudden question but he cleared his voice.

"The villagers were save, there were no victims. But the village is destroyed. I think the villagers right now is rebuilding the village." Kojuro explains.

I nod and smiled relieved.

Thank god they were save..

"Is it normal that they have a feast like this?" I ask.

"Yeah." Kojuro crossed his arms.

This Masamune is a really weird guy.


"That was great!" Masamune shouted while his hand tapping his stomach.

"Shouldn't you go to the dojo now?" Kojuro said walking outside the dining hall.

The dining hall right now is empty, the people already left. Leaving us three.

"Yeah, i should go." Masamune rubs the back of his head.

I stand up and about to leave the dining hall. When..

"Wait." Masamune said making me halt.

"Hm?" I turned to him.

"You go to the dojo too." He said with a serious look.

"W-what? Why..?" I said confused.

Masamune doesn't answer. He stands up and walks out.

I can't understand that guy.

I stopped.

Maybe this time he will kill me.


I don't know why but i did come to the dojo.

I was curious.

I lean to the door to have a peek.

I saw Masamune training with a wooden sword.

His posture are great, his swings is strong.

As expected for the leader of Oshuu.

He is practicing alone.

"You're here." He said lowering his sword.

"Y-yes.." I hesitate first but then come in to the dojo.

The dojo isn't really big. But it have a really nice atmosphere.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now