Part 9

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I walk to the same place where my purse had fallen and where i met the boy.

Just as i thought..this place is full of bandits and thieves.

Oh why the other day i can walk here alone?

Something could've happen to me.

I came here with Kojuro. I walk behind Kojuro because im scared.

"Well well, you look like a mighty samurai. How can i help you?" One of the bandit that looked like the leader stand in front of Kojuro.

"Im looking for a boy." Kojuro said calmly, but glaring at the bandit.

"A boy? Did you come to the wrong place?" The bandit laughed followed by the others.

"No, this lady knows him." Kojuro said.

Suddenly we are surrounded by the bandit.

I walk closer to Kojuro.

"I don't think it's going to be easy...Kojuro-san. Should we get back? I can talk to Masamune-sama.." I said wavering.

"It's okay Lady Yue." Kojuro said to me.

His words didn't give me a slight comfort seeing what's our situation is.

"Im looking for a boy." Kojuro repeated.

The bandit leader seemed mad.

"Well you ain't gonna find him, cause we're not letting you." The bandit leader give a sign with his head.

Then the other bandit start to attack.

I clenched to Kojuro.


As the bandits come closer to us.

"Im sorry Lady Yue, can you take a step back?" Kojuro said with a low voice.

I nodded and take a step back.

Kojuro hold the handle of his sword with his left hand.

And suddenly he was on the other side of the leader.

W-what happened?!

Kojuro put back his sword.

"Ugh..." The bandit leader fell unconcious.

Seeing this all the bandits stopped.

"So, where is the boy?" Kojuro repeated again.

"Im here!" A light voice heard behind the bandits.

I look to the direction of the voice was heard.

"Ah! You!" I shouted.

"Is that the boy you are searching, Lady Yue?" Kojuro walked to me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Kojuro walked to the boy and the bandits give a way to Kojuro with frightened look on their face.

"What is your name?" Kojuro face softens.

"E-eiji..." The boy said.

"From this day, this boy is taken custody under Masamune Date." Kojuro shouted.

The bandit and thieves showed a surprised look.

But then acted like they didn't care and left.

I think when they heard Masamune Date's name, they acknowledge him and afraid of him.

So they didn't want to involved too much.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now