Part 4

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I manage to find the main hall.

"Is this it?" I slide the door open and all eyes on me.

Masamune is sitting in the middle, with Kojuro sits next to him.

And opposite of him there's a guy that have a spiky white hair and large eyepatch covering his left eye. He looked as scary as Masamune.

Who is he?!

"Yue, come in." Masamune orders me.

I bowed my head and walk with my head still down.

"Whoa, who is this girl?" The guy give a whistle.

"What did you envy me, pirate?" Masamune smirked. Rising his bead arrogantly.

I sits down next to Kojuro. While they continue their argue.

"I guess if you can be here, then you're an important person, Lady Yue." Kojuro whisper to me.

"I am not. Im a hostage, Kojuro." I whisper back.

"In my eyes you are not." Kojuro nods firmly.

My eyes a little widen.


"By the way, i came to warn you. Uesugi is making his moves." The guys turned serious.

"Hoo this is just getting more fun. The party i've been searching for. You see?" Masamune smiled satisfied.

"I know, are you fine handling him yourself?"

"I can. My army is in a good shape. Should i stock up some supply?"

"Yeah. I think you should. Oh i got some hot things from my earlier travel. I could give it to you if you want."

"Really? You rock, Motochika."

After they were joking they suddenly turned serious and talked about war.

Masamune smiles never fade from his face. But i know he is serious.

"Man, where did you find such beauty?"  The guy called Motochika turned his gaze to me.

To be said like that i can't help to blush.

Im not actually that pretty.

"You did envy me." Masamune cross his arms.

"Im no one to you, Masamune-sama." I said.

"Really? Then should i take her away?" Motochika stands up, warming up his hand.

"Oh no you don't." Masamune stands up too, about to grab his sword.

I look at Kojuro that only closed his eyes not trying to stop them.

I shouted. "Stop!!"

They look at me annoyed, then they look at each other and go back to their seat.

"I heard you missed a victory with Yukimura Sanada, what happened?" Motochika crosses his arms.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now